Polly Carter

Even as a very young child, I loved reading and adored books, and wanted more than anything to write my own. Over the years, in between jobs and children, I made many attempts - all without success. It wasn't until I became an empty-nester that I found the time and space I needed to totally indulge myself, and I was also fortunate at this time to find a publisher who believed in me for which I will always be grateful.

I start each new book with an idea of who the characters are and what their story is, but am constantly surprised by the time I reach the end with how that has changed in ways I never foresaw happening. It's just one of the wonderful things about creating people and events and then giving them the freedom to tell their own story. This sometimes means characters don't always behave in ways some readers expect or want them to. The plot may also take twists and turns that not every reader approves of, but I can only shrug off such criticism. I believe the world is full of unique individuals, and the world of fiction is the same.

I welcome feedback and, while it is unlikely I will ever write to a strict formula, I take on board constructive criticism, and it truly fills my heart with joy to know that one of my books has brought pleasure to a stranger, often in a distant land.

Mostly I write love stories. Love, no matter what kind, has such power to shine a light of happiness into people's hearts that even a fictional story of two people falling in love can lift the spirits of those sharing their journey.