A Master and a Mommy by Joelle Casteel


Josephine lives with her childhood sweetheart husband and Master, Andrew, but still feels there's something missing in her life. There's a little girl inside of her who wants a Mommy, and when Andrew gives his consent, Josephine sets about looking for a woman to love.

With a carefully written and sweet profile, she achieves just that and attracts Mara, who is interested in exploring her Mommy side and the ageplay lifestyle together with Josephine. Her first move is to suggest a new nickname for the Little girl: Joey.

The story unfolds in Josephine/Joey's point of view as she learns more about herself as a Little, as well as how to balance those two important, romantic relationships—a Master and a Mommy— and her other interests in life. Her big project is to redecorate a room in the house she shares with Andrew; she wants to create the most feminine guestroom that she can. And all the while, her husband and Master enjoys his slave, anchoring her in their love and intense BDSM activity.

Andrew and Mara conspire to keep Joey in the dark, wanting to surprise her—until Mara comes in through the front door for a visit. Then comes the real test of Joey's ability to balance two roles and two loves...

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Josephine lives with her childhood sweetheart husband and Master, Andrew, but still feels there's something missing in her life. There's a little girl inside of her who wants a Mommy, and when Andrew gives his consent, Josephine sets about looking for a woman to love.

With a carefully written and sweet profile, she achieves just that and attracts Mara, who is interested in exploring her Mommy side and the ageplay lifestyle together with Josephine. Her first move is to suggest a new nickname for the Little girl: Joey.

The story unfolds in Josephine/Joey's point of view as she learns more about herself as a Little, as well as how to balance those two important, romantic relationships—a Master and a Mommy— and her other interests in life. Her big project is to redecorate a room in the house she shares with Andrew; she wants to create the most feminine guestroom that she can. And all the while, her husband and Master enjoys his slave, anchoring her in their love and intense BDSM activity.

Andrew and Mara conspire to keep Joey in the dark, wanting to surprise her—until Mara comes in through the front door for a visit. Then comes the real test of Joey's ability to balance two roles and two loves...

Josephine lives with her childhood sweetheart husband and Master, Andrew, but still feels there's something missing in her life. There's a little girl inside of her who wants a Mommy, and when Andrew gives his consent, Josephine sets about looking for a woman to love.

With a carefully written and sweet profile, she achieves just that and attracts Mara, who is interested in exploring her Mommy side and the ageplay lifestyle together with Josephine. Her first move is to suggest a new nickname for the Little girl: Joey.

The story unfolds in Josephine/Joey's point of view as she learns more about herself as a Little, as well as how to balance those two important, romantic relationships—a Master and a Mommy— and her other interests in life. Her big project is to redecorate a room in the house she shares with Andrew; she wants to create the most feminine guestroom that she can. And all the while, her husband and Master enjoys his slave, anchoring her in their love and intense BDSM activity.

Andrew and Mara conspire to keep Joey in the dark, wanting to surprise her—until Mara comes in through the front door for a visit. Then comes the real test of Joey's ability to balance two roles and two loves...

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