Cassie's Conflicts

Cassie is one busy lady. The new country club/spa has opened, and the whole gang is enjoying all the amenities. That is until a new club member, Clara, begins to ride roughshod over everyone. The situation worsens until it becomes physical, but even that doesn't stop it. Cassie seems to find little conflicts everywhere she turns, but it's not always her fault. Tom is over protective about her health, sending Cassie into a tantrum. In addition, a few things happen on the girl's trip that lands Cassie, as well as the other ladies, in even more hot water. Through it all, Tom is there to love and protect Cassie in his own unique way. ?span class='maxbutton-1-container mb-container'>?a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-buy-on-amazon" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="http: //www. amazon. com/gp/product/B00RWA2QE4/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8038;camp=1789038;creative=9325038;creativeASIN=B00RWA2QE4038;linkCode=as2038;tag=romantspanki-20038;linkId=W4GA6WMPD4PK6Y7F" data-mbga="{'cat': 'Amazon Buy Now','action': 'click','label': 'www. amazon. com','value': 0,'noninteraction': 'false'}">?span class='mb-text' >Buy on Amazon?/span>?/a>?/span>What a marvelous summer. In addition to living on the river, which has always been my dream, we‚Aove traveled the country. This is how I love spending my time, traveling with the ones I love and still being delighted to return to our home. For two people with nearly no blood relatives, my husband Tom and I are surrounded by the family we have created for ourselves. Tom was an only child who lost his parents when he was in his early twenties. I came from a money-obsessed family who married me off early in the effort to acquire even more wealth. Their plan backfired when that horribly abusive man died early and, through poor planning on his part, left his fortune to me. My parents never saw a dime of that money, or me, again. I used his money to party. I traveled, gambled, drank and raced from man to man for the next five years of my life. This was a rough and dangerous time, and I‚Aom sure I don‚Aot remember it all. I do remember it seemed like fun at the time. I had wonderful friends back then, thank goodness. Sue and Steve Moore, and Annie and Andy Holmes managed to keep me from falling into the abyss until my Tom came along. Now, how to describe my sweet man? I suppose a few words I could use to describe him would be gorgeous, patient, bossy, controlling, old-fashioned, romantic, loving, consistent, and a firm disciplinarian. Tom came into my wild, chaotic, manic life and changed it completely. We married quickly and my days of unending and reckless partying were suddenly behind me. He explained I needed to calm down and let him care for me. I was crazy in love with him and I loved the sound of everything he was proposing. The picture he painted of a safe, calm, romantic life had me hooked. I should have listened a bit more closely to the part about what would happen if I didn‚Aot settle down and act like a lady. My loving man was a spanker, and he did make that clear before we were married. I‚Aod received one spanking before the wedding, yet even with him telling me plainly that he believed firmly in this form of discipline to ensure a happy marriage, I never really believed him. I‚Aod convinced myself that the first spanking had only taken place because he‚Aod me caught off guard. I was convinced that there wasn‚Aot a man in the world I couldn‚Aot handle, and I knew spanking wasn‚Aot something I‚Aod tolerate. I have to laugh now as I think back on those days, how little I really knew when I married Tom. Tom kept his word, he spanked when he thought it was necessary to get my attention and to make sure I paid attention to what he was telling me. Goodness, that man spanked for bad language, for not taking care of my health, for drinking too much, for lying ? even little tiny white lies that everyone tells, and mostly for doing anything that would put me in danger. When necessary, he still spanks for those same things, but I must say that nearly all our spankings these days are for stress relief, for reconnection, for lovely erotic reasons and simply for fun. Truly, if I had a dollar for every spanking I‚Aove received during my marriage, I‚Aod just go ahead and pay off the national debt and be done with it. But I have no major complaints and I‚Aom as happy as a woman can be. * * * * *Sue and Steve, and Annie and Andy are still as close to us as ever. Sue and Steve are now our neighbors. Although we‚Aove been friends for nearly fifty years, we‚Aod lived across the country from one another for most of the past twenty years. Then last fall, they moved just down the street. Annie and Andy still live in California, but we all visit frequently. Another part of our created family is Ryan, a lovely young man who began mowing our yard over five years ago and we‚Aove nearly stolen him for our own. When he‚Aos not at college, he lives in Sue and Steve‚Aos guesthouse. The last member of what I consider our immediate family is Allie. Allie is a dark haired, green-eyed beauty that lives next door with her family and is madly in love with Ryan. She has recently graduated from high school and will soon be attending the same college as Ryan. My days have been filled with fun. Allie and Ryan provide delight for us all as they begin their relationship. I get to hear secrets that she doesn‚Aot share with her parents and she makes me feel both wise, and yet young, as she includes me in her circle of friends. Sue, dear Sue, my friend, my playmate, my partner in crime, I don‚Aot know how I survived living so far from her for so long. As I‚Aove seen on those Pinterest cards, she‚Aos not the friend to call for bail money, she‚Aos the one sitting beside you in the cell saying, ‚AuAww, hell! That was fun!‚AuBut first and foremost in my life is Tom. I love him in a way that‚Aos nearly impossible to describe. I wouldn‚Aot have survived if he hadn‚Aot come into my life and could never imagine being without his steady love and guidance. Tom is everything to me. Chapter TwoThere has been much excitement here at the river lately. At last, at long last, the clubhouse we‚Aove been hearing about for years is up and running. This place is amazing ? it has everything. The golf course has been complete for five or six years and now finally the parts I‚Aom interested in are ready. There‚Aos an amazing gym, I‚Aom told, full of new equipment and banks of televisions. Of greater interest to me is the wonderful enormous indoor pool. I love swimming and while swimming in the river is better, that‚Aos not always possible. In addition to the pool there are hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms and massage rooms. They have an indoor track as well as wonderful outdoor walking trails going around the golf course; this track can be used by walkers and bikers both. The club also boasts a fantastic restaurant and bar, along with rooms that can be rented for large gatherings. They host a dance once a month, and I hope to hit every one that occurs when we‚Aore home. The club quickly became my second home. The walking trails come close to us, just across the road and through the woods. Even Tom thinks it‚Aos a safe walk. Willow and I are there several times a week. She passed her ‚Aouse your best doggie manners‚Ao course and is now welcomed at the club‚Aos dog park, complete with attendants. She often stays and plays with her friends while I‚Aom inside. We have had dinner at the club several times since it opened several months ago and there is one woman there who has more than caught our eye. Why does there always seem to be one person determined to make trouble? Her name is Clara Triplett and she seems to hate everything and everyone. She complains about the service ? which is excellent, the food, the wine and even the beautiful facilities. If she thinks it‚Aos so terrible, why is she there?Tom rarely comments on the manners of others, he‚Aos too busy watching to see what I‚Aom up to he says, but after listening to her tirade a few nights ago, he did say, ‚AuSomeone need to spank some manners into that woman. ‚Au‚AuShe‚Aos divorced,‚Au I told him. ‚AuAre you volunteering?‚Au‚AuNo, thank you,‚Au he declined. ‚AuI already have my hands full. How do you know she‚Aos divorced? Have you talked with her?‚AuSue chimed in, ‚AuYou don‚Aot have to talk with her. Just be within shouting distance. She walks the track talking to this other woman calling her ex-husband a bastard and a shithead. ‚Au‚AuSue,‚Au Steve admonished. ‚AuI‚Aom just telling you how we know she‚Aos divorced,‚Au she explained. ‚AuWe can also tell you about her nose job, her hysterectomy, and her ex-husband‚Aos impotence and her current yeast infection. ‚Au‚AuGood grief, what kind of woman is she?‚Au Tom mused. ‚AuSounds like someone you need to steer clear of. ‚Au‚AuYou don‚Aot have to worry about that, honey. She‚Aos not my type. ‚Au* * * * *However, once you became aware of Clara, she was difficult to ignore. I found myself mostly annoyed at the way she seemed to treat those who worked at the club. The staff seemed to be her primary target, so many had been the victims of her stinging comments. You would have thought everyone who worked there was her personal servant. I loved the club so much, I was sure I could overlook this witch and I was doing well until she attacked my Allie. Last week, Tom and I were in the yard visiting with Kate and Chris when Allie pulled into the driveway. It was early for her to be home from her waitress job at the club and our curiosity was further aroused when Allie didn‚Aot get out of the car immediately. Finally, Kate went to the car and as she opened the door, we could all hear Allie crying. Walking her around back, we all gathered around her as she told us her ordeal. Still fighting back tears, Allie told us what had happened when she was unfortunate enough to have Clara seated at one of her tables. ‚AuShe ordered ice tea and I bought it to her. She waited for me to get half way across the room before shouting, ‚AoWhat‚Aos the matter with you? I know you only have to have an IQ of fifty to work here, but ice tea is supposed to be cold. How about bringing me some with ice? Is that too much to expect?‚Ao I was so embarrassed,‚Au Allie told us through tears. ‚AuI thought it had plenty of ice but I went back and apologized and said I‚Aod bring her another. I went to the kitchen and got her another one with more ice and brought it to her. I sat it in front of her and she went off again. She said, ‚AoOh, are you trying to be a smart ass? There‚Aos so much ice in this one there‚Aos no room for the tea!‚Ao I couldn‚Aot help it daddy,‚Au Allie sobbed, leaning into her dad for a comforting hug. ‚AuI started crying. I should have dumped that ice tea on her head! But I was just so surprised at her attacking me like that for no reason. She threw her napkin down like she was just so disgusted with me and asked for the manager. By the time Ted was heading her way, she was really making a scene. When he got to the table, he told me not to worry, just to go on to the kitchen, so I ran. It was almost the end of my shift so the kitchen manager told me to go on home. Everyone was really nice and all but I‚Aom so embarrassed, I don‚Aot know if I can go back or not. ‚AuI can‚Aot remember being any more furious than I was at that moment. I suppose her parents were more upset than I was, but I wanted to go down there and rip that hateful woman to shreds. Allie was a wreck and I wanted to hurt the person who had done that to her. Kate took her in and Tom and Chris talked for a while. Chris said he would wait until he calmed down some then he was going down to talk to the manager to make sure nothing like this ever happened again. I was fit to be tied as we walked back to the house, so Tom had his hands full too. As we came in, I told Tom, ‚AuI‚Aom going to the club with Chris. He can talk to the manager and I think I‚Aoll have a word of prayer with Clara. ‚Au I could feel steam ready to come out of my ears. ‚AuCassie Jane,‚Au Tom said sharply. ‚AuYou will do nothing of the kind. This is not your fight. ‚Au‚AuNot my fight? She attacked Allie. I‚Aod like to go down there and snatch her bald-headed!‚Au‚AuAllie can stand up for herself, Cassie. She was caught off guard, but she is a strong, smart girl and she has the backing of her parents. That‚Aos all she needs. I‚Aom telling you right now ? stay out of it and stay completely away from Clara. Do I make myself clear?‚AuI took the time from my tirade to take a close look at Tom. The man was not kidding. It was the sternest look I had seen on his face in quite some time and the ‚AoCassie Jane‚Ao was not lost on me either. Tom usually spanked me nearly every day in a very loving ? yet often stinging way, it‚Aos just one way we connect. But it‚Aos been a while since Tom has been really upset. None of my recent spankings had felt anything like punishment. My behind and I wanted to keep it that way. Between the look Tom was giving me, and the gradual realization that he was right, had me reluctantly abandoning my plans of doing bodily harm to Clara. ‚AuAll right, fine,‚Au I reluctantly agreed. ‚AuBut it‚Aos not right that that hateful thing should ride roughshod over everyone. ‚Au‚AuI agree,‚Au said Tom, putting his arms around me. ‚AuBut you‚Aore my concern, not her. I don‚Aot want you to deal with her at all. She is not a lady and so no one knows how she will conduct herself. I don‚Aot want you tangled up in her mess. ‚Au He held me at arm‚Aos length and gave me another ‚AoTom stare‚Ao. ‚AuYou mind me now, girl ? stay completely away from her. ‚AuI sighed, he was deadly serious, his look made both my bottom and my stomach tingle, and not it a pleasant way. The ivory brush hadn‚Aot been off the dresser in quite a while and I wanted to keep it that way. ‚AuFine,‚Au I agreed. ‚AuI‚Aoll leave her alone. ‚Au ? if she‚Aoll leave me alone, I added in my head. Tom gave me a kiss and patted my bottom as he walked away. All would have been well except for the fact that Clara didn‚Aot leave me alone. *****
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Cassie is one busy lady. The new country club/spa has opened, and the whole gang is enjoying all the amenities. That is until a new club member, Clara, begins to ride roughshod over everyone. The situation worsens until it becomes physical, but even that doesn't stop it. Cassie seems to find little conflicts everywhere she turns, but it's not always her fault. Tom is over protective about her health, sending Cassie into a tantrum. In addition, a few things happen on the girl's trip that lands Cassie, as well as the other ladies, in even more hot water. Through it all, Tom is there to love and protect Cassie in his own unique way. ?span class='maxbutton-1-container mb-container'>?a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-buy-on-amazon" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="http: //www. amazon. com/gp/product/B00RWA2QE4/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8038;camp=1789038;creative=9325038;creativeASIN=B00RWA2QE4038;linkCode=as2038;tag=romantspanki-20038;linkId=W4GA6WMPD4PK6Y7F" data-mbga="{'cat': 'Amazon Buy Now','action': 'click','label': 'www. amazon. com','value': 0,'noninteraction': 'false'}">?span class='mb-text' >Buy on Amazon?/span>?/a>?/span>What a marvelous summer. In addition to living on the river, which has always been my dream, we‚Aove traveled the country. This is how I love spending my time, traveling with the ones I love and still being delighted to return to our home. For two people with nearly no blood relatives, my husband Tom and I are surrounded by the family we have created for ourselves. Tom was an only child who lost his parents when he was in his early twenties. I came from a money-obsessed family who married me off early in the effort to acquire even more wealth. Their plan backfired when that horribly abusive man died early and, through poor planning on his part, left his fortune to me. My parents never saw a dime of that money, or me, again. I used his money to party. I traveled, gambled, drank and raced from man to man for the next five years of my life. This was a rough and dangerous time, and I‚Aom sure I don‚Aot remember it all. I do remember it seemed like fun at the time. I had wonderful friends back then, thank goodness. Sue and Steve Moore, and Annie and Andy Holmes managed to keep me from falling into the abyss until my Tom came along. Now, how to describe my sweet man? I suppose a few words I could use to describe him would be gorgeous, patient, bossy, controlling, old-fashioned, romantic, loving, consistent, and a firm disciplinarian. Tom came into my wild, chaotic, manic life and changed it completely. We married quickly and my days of unending and reckless partying were suddenly behind me. He explained I needed to calm down and let him care for me. I was crazy in love with him and I loved the sound of everything he was proposing. The picture he painted of a safe, calm, romantic life had me hooked. I should have listened a bit more closely to the part about what would happen if I didn‚Aot settle down and act like a lady. My loving man was a spanker, and he did make that clear before we were married. I‚Aod received one spanking before the wedding, yet even with him telling me plainly that he believed firmly in this form of discipline to ensure a happy marriage, I never really believed him. I‚Aod convinced myself that the first spanking had only taken place because he‚Aod me caught off guard. I was convinced that there wasn‚Aot a man in the world I couldn‚Aot handle, and I knew spanking wasn‚Aot something I‚Aod tolerate. I have to laugh now as I think back on those days, how little I really knew when I married Tom. Tom kept his word, he spanked when he thought it was necessary to get my attention and to make sure I paid attention to what he was telling me. Goodness, that man spanked for bad language, for not taking care of my health, for drinking too much, for lying ? even little tiny white lies that everyone tells, and mostly for doing anything that would put me in danger. When necessary, he still spanks for those same things, but I must say that nearly all our spankings these days are for stress relief, for reconnection, for lovely erotic reasons and simply for fun. Truly, if I had a dollar for every spanking I‚Aove received during my marriage, I‚Aod just go ahead and pay off the national debt and be done with it. But I have no major complaints and I‚Aom as happy as a woman can be. * * * * *Sue and Steve, and Annie and Andy are still as close to us as ever. Sue and Steve are now our neighbors. Although we‚Aove been friends for nearly fifty years, we‚Aod lived across the country from one another for most of the past twenty years. Then last fall, they moved just down the street. Annie and Andy still live in California, but we all visit frequently. Another part of our created family is Ryan, a lovely young man who began mowing our yard over five years ago and we‚Aove nearly stolen him for our own. When he‚Aos not at college, he lives in Sue and Steve‚Aos guesthouse. The last member of what I consider our immediate family is Allie. Allie is a dark haired, green-eyed beauty that lives next door with her family and is madly in love with Ryan. She has recently graduated from high school and will soon be attending the same college as Ryan. My days have been filled with fun. Allie and Ryan provide delight for us all as they begin their relationship. I get to hear secrets that she doesn‚Aot share with her parents and she makes me feel both wise, and yet young, as she includes me in her circle of friends. Sue, dear Sue, my friend, my playmate, my partner in crime, I don‚Aot know how I survived living so far from her for so long. As I‚Aove seen on those Pinterest cards, she‚Aos not the friend to call for bail money, she‚Aos the one sitting beside you in the cell saying, ‚AuAww, hell! That was fun!‚AuBut first and foremost in my life is Tom. I love him in a way that‚Aos nearly impossible to describe. I wouldn‚Aot have survived if he hadn‚Aot come into my life and could never imagine being without his steady love and guidance. Tom is everything to me. Chapter TwoThere has been much excitement here at the river lately. At last, at long last, the clubhouse we‚Aove been hearing about for years is up and running. This place is amazing ? it has everything. The golf course has been complete for five or six years and now finally the parts I‚Aom interested in are ready. There‚Aos an amazing gym, I‚Aom told, full of new equipment and banks of televisions. Of greater interest to me is the wonderful enormous indoor pool. I love swimming and while swimming in the river is better, that‚Aos not always possible. In addition to the pool there are hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms and massage rooms. They have an indoor track as well as wonderful outdoor walking trails going around the golf course; this track can be used by walkers and bikers both. The club also boasts a fantastic restaurant and bar, along with rooms that can be rented for large gatherings. They host a dance once a month, and I hope to hit every one that occurs when we‚Aore home. The club quickly became my second home. The walking trails come close to us, just across the road and through the woods. Even Tom thinks it‚Aos a safe walk. Willow and I are there several times a week. She passed her ‚Aouse your best doggie manners‚Ao course and is now welcomed at the club‚Aos dog park, complete with attendants. She often stays and plays with her friends while I‚Aom inside. We have had dinner at the club several times since it opened several months ago and there is one woman there who has more than caught our eye. Why does there always seem to be one person determined to make trouble? Her name is Clara Triplett and she seems to hate everything and everyone. She complains about the service ? which is excellent, the food, the wine and even the beautiful facilities. If she thinks it‚Aos so terrible, why is she there?Tom rarely comments on the manners of others, he‚Aos too busy watching to see what I‚Aom up to he says, but after listening to her tirade a few nights ago, he did say, ‚AuSomeone need to spank some manners into that woman. ‚Au‚AuShe‚Aos divorced,‚Au I told him. ‚AuAre you volunteering?‚Au‚AuNo, thank you,‚Au he declined. ‚AuI already have my hands full. How do you know she‚Aos divorced? Have you talked with her?‚AuSue chimed in, ‚AuYou don‚Aot have to talk with her. Just be within shouting distance. She walks the track talking to this other woman calling her ex-husband a bastard and a shithead. ‚Au‚AuSue,‚Au Steve admonished. ‚AuI‚Aom just telling you how we know she‚Aos divorced,‚Au she explained. ‚AuWe can also tell you about her nose job, her hysterectomy, and her ex-husband‚Aos impotence and her current yeast infection. ‚Au‚AuGood grief, what kind of woman is she?‚Au Tom mused. ‚AuSounds like someone you need to steer clear of. ‚Au‚AuYou don‚Aot have to worry about that, honey. She‚Aos not my type. ‚Au* * * * *However, once you became aware of Clara, she was difficult to ignore. I found myself mostly annoyed at the way she seemed to treat those who worked at the club. The staff seemed to be her primary target, so many had been the victims of her stinging comments. You would have thought everyone who worked there was her personal servant. I loved the club so much, I was sure I could overlook this witch and I was doing well until she attacked my Allie. Last week, Tom and I were in the yard visiting with Kate and Chris when Allie pulled into the driveway. It was early for her to be home from her waitress job at the club and our curiosity was further aroused when Allie didn‚Aot get out of the car immediately. Finally, Kate went to the car and as she opened the door, we could all hear Allie crying. Walking her around back, we all gathered around her as she told us her ordeal. Still fighting back tears, Allie told us what had happened when she was unfortunate enough to have Clara seated at one of her tables. ‚AuShe ordered ice tea and I bought it to her. She waited for me to get half way across the room before shouting, ‚AoWhat‚Aos the matter with you? I know you only have to have an IQ of fifty to work here, but ice tea is supposed to be cold. How about bringing me some with ice? Is that too much to expect?‚Ao I was so embarrassed,‚Au Allie told us through tears. ‚AuI thought it had plenty of ice but I went back and apologized and said I‚Aod bring her another. I went to the kitchen and got her another one with more ice and brought it to her. I sat it in front of her and she went off again. She said, ‚AoOh, are you trying to be a smart ass? There‚Aos so much ice in this one there‚Aos no room for the tea!‚Ao I couldn‚Aot help it daddy,‚Au Allie sobbed, leaning into her dad for a comforting hug. ‚AuI started crying. I should have dumped that ice tea on her head! But I was just so surprised at her attacking me like that for no reason. She threw her napkin down like she was just so disgusted with me and asked for the manager. By the time Ted was heading her way, she was really making a scene. When he got to the table, he told me not to worry, just to go on to the kitchen, so I ran. It was almost the end of my shift so the kitchen manager told me to go on home. Everyone was really nice and all but I‚Aom so embarrassed, I don‚Aot know if I can go back or not. ‚AuI can‚Aot remember being any more furious than I was at that moment. I suppose her parents were more upset than I was, but I wanted to go down there and rip that hateful woman to shreds. Allie was a wreck and I wanted to hurt the person who had done that to her. Kate took her in and Tom and Chris talked for a while. Chris said he would wait until he calmed down some then he was going down to talk to the manager to make sure nothing like this ever happened again. I was fit to be tied as we walked back to the house, so Tom had his hands full too. As we came in, I told Tom, ‚AuI‚Aom going to the club with Chris. He can talk to the manager and I think I‚Aoll have a word of prayer with Clara. ‚Au I could feel steam ready to come out of my ears. ‚AuCassie Jane,‚Au Tom said sharply. ‚AuYou will do nothing of the kind. This is not your fight. ‚Au‚AuNot my fight? She attacked Allie. I‚Aod like to go down there and snatch her bald-headed!‚Au‚AuAllie can stand up for herself, Cassie. She was caught off guard, but she is a strong, smart girl and she has the backing of her parents. That‚Aos all she needs. I‚Aom telling you right now ? stay out of it and stay completely away from Clara. Do I make myself clear?‚AuI took the time from my tirade to take a close look at Tom. The man was not kidding. It was the sternest look I had seen on his face in quite some time and the ‚AoCassie Jane‚Ao was not lost on me either. Tom usually spanked me nearly every day in a very loving ? yet often stinging way, it‚Aos just one way we connect. But it‚Aos been a while since Tom has been really upset. None of my recent spankings had felt anything like punishment. My behind and I wanted to keep it that way. Between the look Tom was giving me, and the gradual realization that he was right, had me reluctantly abandoning my plans of doing bodily harm to Clara. ‚AuAll right, fine,‚Au I reluctantly agreed. ‚AuBut it‚Aos not right that that hateful thing should ride roughshod over everyone. ‚Au‚AuI agree,‚Au said Tom, putting his arms around me. ‚AuBut you‚Aore my concern, not her. I don‚Aot want you to deal with her at all. She is not a lady and so no one knows how she will conduct herself. I don‚Aot want you tangled up in her mess. ‚Au He held me at arm‚Aos length and gave me another ‚AoTom stare‚Ao. ‚AuYou mind me now, girl ? stay completely away from her. ‚AuI sighed, he was deadly serious, his look made both my bottom and my stomach tingle, and not it a pleasant way. The ivory brush hadn‚Aot been off the dresser in quite a while and I wanted to keep it that way. ‚AuFine,‚Au I agreed. ‚AuI‚Aoll leave her alone. ‚Au ? if she‚Aoll leave me alone, I added in my head. Tom gave me a kiss and patted my bottom as he walked away. All would have been well except for the fact that Clara didn‚Aot leave me alone. *****
Cassie is one busy lady. The new country club/spa has opened, and the whole gang is enjoying all the amenities. That is until a new club member, Clara, begins to ride roughshod over everyone. The situation worsens until it becomes physical, but even that doesn't stop it. Cassie seems to find little conflicts everywhere she turns, but it's not always her fault. Tom is over protective about her health, sending Cassie into a tantrum. In addition, a few things happen on the girl's trip that lands Cassie, as well as the other ladies, in even more hot water. Through it all, Tom is there to love and protect Cassie in his own unique way. ?span class='maxbutton-1-container mb-container'>?a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-buy-on-amazon" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="http: //www. amazon. com/gp/product/B00RWA2QE4/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8038;camp=1789038;creative=9325038;creativeASIN=B00RWA2QE4038;linkCode=as2038;tag=romantspanki-20038;linkId=W4GA6WMPD4PK6Y7F" data-mbga="{'cat': 'Amazon Buy Now','action': 'click','label': 'www. amazon. com','value': 0,'noninteraction': 'false'}">?span class='mb-text' >Buy on Amazon?/span>?/a>?/span>What a marvelous summer. In addition to living on the river, which has always been my dream, we‚Aove traveled the country. This is how I love spending my time, traveling with the ones I love and still being delighted to return to our home. For two people with nearly no blood relatives, my husband Tom and I are surrounded by the family we have created for ourselves. Tom was an only child who lost his parents when he was in his early twenties. I came from a money-obsessed family who married me off early in the effort to acquire even more wealth. Their plan backfired when that horribly abusive man died early and, through poor planning on his part, left his fortune to me. My parents never saw a dime of that money, or me, again. I used his money to party. I traveled, gambled, drank and raced from man to man for the next five years of my life. This was a rough and dangerous time, and I‚Aom sure I don‚Aot remember it all. I do remember it seemed like fun at the time. I had wonderful friends back then, thank goodness. Sue and Steve Moore, and Annie and Andy Holmes managed to keep me from falling into the abyss until my Tom came along. Now, how to describe my sweet man? I suppose a few words I could use to describe him would be gorgeous, patient, bossy, controlling, old-fashioned, romantic, loving, consistent, and a firm disciplinarian. Tom came into my wild, chaotic, manic life and changed it completely. We married quickly and my days of unending and reckless partying were suddenly behind me. He explained I needed to calm down and let him care for me. I was crazy in love with him and I loved the sound of everything he was proposing. The picture he painted of a safe, calm, romantic life had me hooked. I should have listened a bit more closely to the part about what would happen if I didn‚Aot settle down and act like a lady. My loving man was a spanker, and he did make that clear before we were married. I‚Aod received one spanking before the wedding, yet even with him telling me plainly that he believed firmly in this form of discipline to ensure a happy marriage, I never really believed him. I‚Aod convinced myself that the first spanking had only taken place because he‚Aod me caught off guard. I was convinced that there wasn‚Aot a man in the world I couldn‚Aot handle, and I knew spanking wasn‚Aot something I‚Aod tolerate. I have to laugh now as I think back on those days, how little I really knew when I married Tom. Tom kept his word, he spanked when he thought it was necessary to get my attention and to make sure I paid attention to what he was telling me. Goodness, that man spanked for bad language, for not taking care of my health, for drinking too much, for lying ? even little tiny white lies that everyone tells, and mostly for doing anything that would put me in danger. When necessary, he still spanks for those same things, but I must say that nearly all our spankings these days are for stress relief, for reconnection, for lovely erotic reasons and simply for fun. Truly, if I had a dollar for every spanking I‚Aove received during my marriage, I‚Aod just go ahead and pay off the national debt and be done with it. But I have no major complaints and I‚Aom as happy as a woman can be. * * * * *Sue and Steve, and Annie and Andy are still as close to us as ever. Sue and Steve are now our neighbors. Although we‚Aove been friends for nearly fifty years, we‚Aod lived across the country from one another for most of the past twenty years. Then last fall, they moved just down the street. Annie and Andy still live in California, but we all visit frequently. Another part of our created family is Ryan, a lovely young man who began mowing our yard over five years ago and we‚Aove nearly stolen him for our own. When he‚Aos not at college, he lives in Sue and Steve‚Aos guesthouse. The last member of what I consider our immediate family is Allie. Allie is a dark haired, green-eyed beauty that lives next door with her family and is madly in love with Ryan. She has recently graduated from high school and will soon be attending the same college as Ryan. My days have been filled with fun. Allie and Ryan provide delight for us all as they begin their relationship. I get to hear secrets that she doesn‚Aot share with her parents and she makes me feel both wise, and yet young, as she includes me in her circle of friends. Sue, dear Sue, my friend, my playmate, my partner in crime, I don‚Aot know how I survived living so far from her for so long. As I‚Aove seen on those Pinterest cards, she‚Aos not the friend to call for bail money, she‚Aos the one sitting beside you in the cell saying, ‚AuAww, hell! That was fun!‚AuBut first and foremost in my life is Tom. I love him in a way that‚Aos nearly impossible to describe. I wouldn‚Aot have survived if he hadn‚Aot come into my life and could never imagine being without his steady love and guidance. Tom is everything to me. Chapter TwoThere has been much excitement here at the river lately. At last, at long last, the clubhouse we‚Aove been hearing about for years is up and running. This place is amazing ? it has everything. The golf course has been complete for five or six years and now finally the parts I‚Aom interested in are ready. There‚Aos an amazing gym, I‚Aom told, full of new equipment and banks of televisions. Of greater interest to me is the wonderful enormous indoor pool. I love swimming and while swimming in the river is better, that‚Aos not always possible. In addition to the pool there are hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms and massage rooms. They have an indoor track as well as wonderful outdoor walking trails going around the golf course; this track can be used by walkers and bikers both. The club also boasts a fantastic restaurant and bar, along with rooms that can be rented for large gatherings. They host a dance once a month, and I hope to hit every one that occurs when we‚Aore home. The club quickly became my second home. The walking trails come close to us, just across the road and through the woods. Even Tom thinks it‚Aos a safe walk. Willow and I are there several times a week. She passed her ‚Aouse your best doggie manners‚Ao course and is now welcomed at the club‚Aos dog park, complete with attendants. She often stays and plays with her friends while I‚Aom inside. We have had dinner at the club several times since it opened several months ago and there is one woman there who has more than caught our eye. Why does there always seem to be one person determined to make trouble? Her name is Clara Triplett and she seems to hate everything and everyone. She complains about the service ? which is excellent, the food, the wine and even the beautiful facilities. If she thinks it‚Aos so terrible, why is she there?Tom rarely comments on the manners of others, he‚Aos too busy watching to see what I‚Aom up to he says, but after listening to her tirade a few nights ago, he did say, ‚AuSomeone need to spank some manners into that woman. ‚Au‚AuShe‚Aos divorced,‚Au I told him. ‚AuAre you volunteering?‚Au‚AuNo, thank you,‚Au he declined. ‚AuI already have my hands full. How do you know she‚Aos divorced? Have you talked with her?‚AuSue chimed in, ‚AuYou don‚Aot have to talk with her. Just be within shouting distance. She walks the track talking to this other woman calling her ex-husband a bastard and a shithead. ‚Au‚AuSue,‚Au Steve admonished. ‚AuI‚Aom just telling you how we know she‚Aos divorced,‚Au she explained. ‚AuWe can also tell you about her nose job, her hysterectomy, and her ex-husband‚Aos impotence and her current yeast infection. ‚Au‚AuGood grief, what kind of woman is she?‚Au Tom mused. ‚AuSounds like someone you need to steer clear of. ‚Au‚AuYou don‚Aot have to worry about that, honey. She‚Aos not my type. ‚Au* * * * *However, once you became aware of Clara, she was difficult to ignore. I found myself mostly annoyed at the way she seemed to treat those who worked at the club. The staff seemed to be her primary target, so many had been the victims of her stinging comments. You would have thought everyone who worked there was her personal servant. I loved the club so much, I was sure I could overlook this witch and I was doing well until she attacked my Allie. Last week, Tom and I were in the yard visiting with Kate and Chris when Allie pulled into the driveway. It was early for her to be home from her waitress job at the club and our curiosity was further aroused when Allie didn‚Aot get out of the car immediately. Finally, Kate went to the car and as she opened the door, we could all hear Allie crying. Walking her around back, we all gathered around her as she told us her ordeal. Still fighting back tears, Allie told us what had happened when she was unfortunate enough to have Clara seated at one of her tables. ‚AuShe ordered ice tea and I bought it to her. She waited for me to get half way across the room before shouting, ‚AoWhat‚Aos the matter with you? I know you only have to have an IQ of fifty to work here, but ice tea is supposed to be cold. How about bringing me some with ice? Is that too much to expect?‚Ao I was so embarrassed,‚Au Allie told us through tears. ‚AuI thought it had plenty of ice but I went back and apologized and said I‚Aod bring her another. I went to the kitchen and got her another one with more ice and brought it to her. I sat it in front of her and she went off again. She said, ‚AoOh, are you trying to be a smart ass? There‚Aos so much ice in this one there‚Aos no room for the tea!‚Ao I couldn‚Aot help it daddy,‚Au Allie sobbed, leaning into her dad for a comforting hug. ‚AuI started crying. I should have dumped that ice tea on her head! But I was just so surprised at her attacking me like that for no reason. She threw her napkin down like she was just so disgusted with me and asked for the manager. By the time Ted was heading her way, she was really making a scene. When he got to the table, he told me not to worry, just to go on to the kitchen, so I ran. It was almost the end of my shift so the kitchen manager told me to go on home. Everyone was really nice and all but I‚Aom so embarrassed, I don‚Aot know if I can go back or not. ‚AuI can‚Aot remember being any more furious than I was at that moment. I suppose her parents were more upset than I was, but I wanted to go down there and rip that hateful woman to shreds. Allie was a wreck and I wanted to hurt the person who had done that to her. Kate took her in and Tom and Chris talked for a while. Chris said he would wait until he calmed down some then he was going down to talk to the manager to make sure nothing like this ever happened again. I was fit to be tied as we walked back to the house, so Tom had his hands full too. As we came in, I told Tom, ‚AuI‚Aom going to the club with Chris. He can talk to the manager and I think I‚Aoll have a word of prayer with Clara. ‚Au I could feel steam ready to come out of my ears. ‚AuCassie Jane,‚Au Tom said sharply. ‚AuYou will do nothing of the kind. This is not your fight. ‚Au‚AuNot my fight? She attacked Allie. I‚Aod like to go down there and snatch her bald-headed!‚Au‚AuAllie can stand up for herself, Cassie. She was caught off guard, but she is a strong, smart girl and she has the backing of her parents. That‚Aos all she needs. I‚Aom telling you right now ? stay out of it and stay completely away from Clara. Do I make myself clear?‚AuI took the time from my tirade to take a close look at Tom. The man was not kidding. It was the sternest look I had seen on his face in quite some time and the ‚AoCassie Jane‚Ao was not lost on me either. Tom usually spanked me nearly every day in a very loving ? yet often stinging way, it‚Aos just one way we connect. But it‚Aos been a while since Tom has been really upset. None of my recent spankings had felt anything like punishment. My behind and I wanted to keep it that way. Between the look Tom was giving me, and the gradual realization that he was right, had me reluctantly abandoning my plans of doing bodily harm to Clara. ‚AuAll right, fine,‚Au I reluctantly agreed. ‚AuBut it‚Aos not right that that hateful thing should ride roughshod over everyone. ‚Au‚AuI agree,‚Au said Tom, putting his arms around me. ‚AuBut you‚Aore my concern, not her. I don‚Aot want you to deal with her at all. She is not a lady and so no one knows how she will conduct herself. I don‚Aot want you tangled up in her mess. ‚Au He held me at arm‚Aos length and gave me another ‚AoTom stare‚Ao. ‚AuYou mind me now, girl ? stay completely away from her. ‚AuI sighed, he was deadly serious, his look made both my bottom and my stomach tingle, and not it a pleasant way. The ivory brush hadn‚Aot been off the dresser in quite a while and I wanted to keep it that way. ‚AuFine,‚Au I agreed. ‚AuI‚Aoll leave her alone. ‚Au ? if she‚Aoll leave me alone, I added in my head. Tom gave me a kiss and patted my bottom as he walked away. All would have been well except for the fact that Clara didn‚Aot leave me alone. *****