Cassie's River Living

Cassie and Tom are happily settling into River living. Cassie is sure this peaceful new home is enough to keep her out of trouble, but with Sue living there too, staying out of trouble proves just too difficult. Cassie is further concerned about what relationship advice Tom may be giving Ryan. Overheard conversations and statements from Ryan has her worried that Tom may have shared ideas of adult spanking in his advice to Ryan. But when it seems Allie knows too, Cassie realizes she is going to have to try to explain things more fully. Can Cassie explain their way of life to an eighteen-year-old Allie? This book contains scenes with spanking between two mature adults. ?span class='maxbutton-1-container mb-container'>?a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-buy-on-amazon" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="http: //www. amazon. com/Cassies-River-Living-Space-Book-ebook/dp/B00N9QOXVO/ref=pd_sim_351_6?ie=UTF8038;refRID=1T4Z29MRETPK2Z7HD68C" data-mbga="{'cat': 'Amazon Buy Now','action': 'click','label': 'www. amazon. com','value': 0,'noninteraction': 'false'}">?span class='mb-text' >Buy on Amazon?/span>?/a>?/span>How many more surprise could I take? I married the best man in the world, Tom Duff, more than thirty years ago. He‚Aos managed to keep me happy, and more than satisfied, all those years. Just over a year ago, Tom bought me a house on the river that was the home of my dreams. The house formerly belonged to friends of ours and we‚Aod often stayed there as guests. When Tom found out the owners were selling, he signed the papers at once, and I had a surprise birthday gift like no other. Originally we thought to keep this river house as a weekend get away, but after remodeling and making the house exactly what we wanted, it became our permanent home. I knew how much I‚Aod love the house, but I never realized what wonderful neighbors I‚Aod have. Kate and Chris Daniels are exceptional people. I had hoped that Kate and I would become close friends, and we are friends, but what I never imagined was the extremely close friendship that developed between their teenage daughter and me. Allie is only seventeen, but we have bonded as true friends despite the fact I‚Aom old enough to be her grandmother. I felt everything in my little world was wonderful, except for one big old, nasty fly in the ointment: Tom chose to go back to work. Tom supposedly ‚Aoretired‚Ao nearly three years ago. I was so happy. I foolishly believed that meant he wouldn‚Aot be working all the time, and we could spend our time together. Evidently that was not Tom‚Aos definition of retirement. Nearly from the moment he was to become ‚Aomine‚Ao again, several companies have been on him to take consulting jobs. He‚Aod taken several during those three years, which annoyed me enough, but recently he‚Aod signed on to work again for the foreseeable future. He tried to get me on board, explaining he‚Aod only be going in three days a week, and that he‚Aod been able to hire anyone he wanted for his team. He went on about an old colleague coming to join him until I wanted to hear no more about it. As it turned out, this was just one more wonderful surprise from my husband. The old colleague turned out to be Steve Moore, Tom‚Aos best friend. Steve‚Aos wife is Sue ? the best friend I‚Aove had in my life, not counting Tom. I‚Aove known Sue and Steve since before Tom and I married. They were there for me during my first marriage, a period of my life that was pure hell, as I struggled to survive the abuse of the sick man my father ordered me to marry. Sue and Steve, and another couple Annie and Andy Holmes were my only true friends during that time, and they definitely kept me going. My first husband died unexpectedly five years into the marriage and these four friends continued their vigil and kept me alive in the years that followed. It was a wild time for me, exciting, fun, and often dangerous, as I used my inheritance to party as if there was no tomorrow. They gave up the full time job of keeping me somewhat reined in when I married Tom, but Sue and Annie are still my closest friends, despite the fact we‚Aove lived across the country from one another for over fifteen years. Now Sue and I were to be together again, and not just close, neighbors. Sue and Steve ended up buying the house on the other side of Kate and Chris. The night I found out was one of the happiest nights I can remember. Tom was happy too, but I knew his excitement was tempered by his concern over just what trouble Sue and I could find for ourselves. I suppose some of the stunts we‚Aove pulled over the years gave him reason for concern. But nonetheless, I was overjoyed with their relocating, and I threw myself into helping Sue get settled. Chapter TwoActually, I was soon worn out from helping Sue get settled. We usually spent most of our days shopping for the new house, but last week we actually spent one afternoon doing manual labor, the only kind I like, planting flowers. It was time to get bulbs in the ground and as the afternoon wore on, we both looked as if we‚Aod been wrestling in mud. ‚AuI‚Aom done,‚Au Sue said adamantly. ‚AuYou‚Aore the flower buff. All I need is a rock garden. ‚Au‚AuHush,‚Au I told her. ‚AuYou‚Aoll thank me in the spring. ‚Au Glancing at my watch, I exclaimed, ‚AuWell, you get your way for today. It‚Aos almost five. Tom will be home soon, I have to get cleaned up. ‚AuI hurried toward home. Tom really likes me to be there to greet him and I like it myself, but with Sue around, I didn‚Aot always make it. I also wanted to look nice when he arrived, but I saw Tom turn into our drive as I left Sue‚Aos yard and realized that wasn‚Aot happening that day. He came out on the deck as I was crossing the back yard and burst out laughing. ‚AuIt‚Aos finally come to this. You and Sue decided to spend the day making mud pies?‚Au‚AuI‚Aove been working on neighborhood beautification, I‚Aoll have you know,‚Au I told him, grinning. ‚AuPerhaps you could do a little more beautification while I start dinner,‚Au he suggested. The hot shower felt wonderful and Tom came to help me dry off. He then took my hand and led me to the bedroom, where he quickly helped me over his lap, his favorite position for me. I snuggled in as he ran his hands over my bottom. ‚AuI think we‚Aore going to have to make this a daily ritual around here now that Sue‚Aos close by,‚Au Tom began. ‚AuI thought it already was,‚Au I told him laughing. A quick pop on the butt caused me to try to quiet my giggles. ‚AuI suppose it‚Aos only a matter of time before you and Sue get into something you shouldn‚Aot. I thought I‚Aod make a preemptive strike. ‚Au With that, he took off peppering my behind with stinging swats. The heat was building, but I was still laughing. ‚AuYou can think of more reasons to spank than Carter has little liver pills! I hope this means that when we do get into something, you won‚Aot spank me then. ‚Au‚AuDon‚Aot count on that. ‚Au Tom stopped spanking to rub. ‚AuYou‚Aore really happy they‚Aore here, aren‚Aot you, girl?‚Au‚AuIt‚Aos one of the best gifts you‚Aove ever given me, honey. I don‚Aot think I knew how much I missed seeing Sue on a daily basis until I realized she‚Aos here to stay. ‚Au‚AuThey are, and I was wondering if you could stand more company for Christmas?‚AuTom was helping me sit up and I looked at him curiously. ‚AuI know Annie and Andy are coming, but they‚Aore staying at Sue‚Aos. Is someone else coming?‚Au‚AuI got a call from Ryan today. He wanted to know if we‚Aod mind if he came for the holidays. ‚AuI looked at Tom with concern. ‚AuYou know I‚Aod love to have him. But what about his family?‚AuRyan ? another of my loves. Ryan was a young man we originally knew from our church. Four summers ago, he came by asking if we needed any help with yard work. When we told that tall, skinny, gangly, fifteen year old that we didn‚Aot really need anyone else, he looked so disappointed it broke my heart. We decided to let him come help, and within one season we‚Aod let our lawn service go and gave Ryan the job full time. I loved that boy to death. He treated me just like a batty old grandmother and he absolutely idolized Tom. Ryan‚Aos mother had died when he was small, but his father remarried and his stepmother was a fine lady who had given Ryan two little sisters, of whom I knew he was quite proud. They were our neighbors in our previous neighborhood and when we moved to the river, Ryan came often to continue our lawn care. Of course, that‚Aos not the only reason he came often. The first time Ryan saw our beautiful little neighbor, Allie, I believe it was love at first sight. Now that Ryan was a freshman at college we certainly got the lion‚Aos share of his free time, but Christmas? I felt that there must be something very wrong at home. ‚AuHe only told me that the family was going to Georgia to be with his step-mom‚Aos family and that he didn‚Aot feel really comfortable going. I think he‚Aos still having problems with his dad too. ‚Au‚AuHow could anyone find fault with that sweet boy?‚Au I asked in wonder. ‚AuHis father wants him to follow in his footsteps and take over the business some day. I‚Aom sure many fathers feel that way. They‚Aoll work it out. But I told him to come on, his room is always here. ‚AuTom went to finish dinner and as I dressed, I thought about part of a conversation I‚Aod over heard the last time Ryan was here. I started out of our bedroom just in time to hear Tom say, ‚AuIt‚Aos our job to keep them safe. We have to protect them, even from themselves at times. ‚Au I came on into the room and the conversation was dropped. Later that day I confronted Tom. ‚AuJust what are you telling that boy?‚Au I wanted to know. ‚AuNow, girl, it‚Aos just man talk. ‚Au‚AuDon‚Aot patronize me, Tom, and don‚Aot you dare tell that child that you spank me. ‚Au‚AuHoney,‚Au he countered. ‚AuI‚Aom not the one telling the world that I spank you. ‚Au That took me back a little bit. I knew he was talking about my blog ? which he‚Aos never really approved of, but discussing the spanking lifestyle with similarly minded friends on the Internet was not the same at all. ‚AuDon‚Aot worry, girl, I‚Aom just answering a few questions the boy has. ‚Au Goodness I‚Aod love to sit in on those conversations. But he must be getting good advice from somewhere. Allie adores him, and I do love watching them together. Chapter ThreeAs we got closer and closer to Christmas, time seemed to speed up and I seemed to be running faster and faster to keep up. Between Christmas shopping, wrapping, decorating, church functions and the constant luncheons and parties, I was wiped out. I‚Aod enjoyed my freedom. Tom had been very lenient in many ways as I got used to having Sue back as a constant playmate. But he‚Aod fussed several times about me coming home later than I‚Aod said I‚Aod be and not always having or answering my phone. I knew I‚Aod been so tired lately and that sometime makes me a little snappy in the evening with Tom. Tom nearly reached the end of his patience the other night. I was trying to finish up our Christmas cards when around nine o‚Aoclock he said, ‚AuCassie, you look like you‚Aore about to fall asleep. Leave those until tomorrow and get to bed early tonight. ‚Au‚AuI‚Aom not going to bed at nine o‚Aoclock. Stop nagging me, I‚Aove got things to do,‚Au I told him in a sharp tone. ‚AuEnough,‚Au Tom told me rising to his feet. Enough is Tom‚Aos danger word. Once he says ‚Aoenough,‚Ao if I don‚Aot listen, there is no doubt what comes next. Tom was true to form. ‚AuI want you in bed in fifteen minutes or you won‚Aot be sitting tomorrow. I‚Aom tired of this attitude you get when you are overtired. You need to sleep. ‚AuI was most annoyed, but I had enough sense not to argue. I supposed he‚Aod been right, by the time I washed my face and got ready for bed, I was nearly asleep on my feet. Tom came in as I crawled into bed. He sat on my side and gave me a gentle kiss on each eye. I don‚Aot want you sick again. You have to pace yourself and stop spending all your lovely personality on others during the day, save a little for me. Now roll over and I‚Aoll rub your back. ‚AuMy sweet man, he‚Aos so good to me. I don‚Aot know why I ever get snappy with him. I felt his hands on my back and I drifted off into total bliss. ~o~My morning should have been just as peaceful, but it wasn‚Aot to be. Tom seemed to be in a lecture mode from the minute I opened my eyes. He and Steve were planning on golfing that day, but before he left, he seemed to have the need to tell me how I should act at brunch that morning and the tea I was attending that afternoon. Mostly he was telling me to stick to orange juice and tea, rather than Mimosas and wine. I was still in bed, trying to ignore all he was saying ? in a loving manner, of course, but he was going on and on about how a lady should act and about not overtaxing myself. I felt the later was a slam about my age, and I was just trying to tune him out. He continued talking as he walked into the bathroom and I said very quietly, yet unfortunately aloud, into my pillow, ‚AuKiss my ass. ‚Au Tom heard ? he had walked back into the room ? and suddenly lecture mode was gone. He grabbed his bedroom slipper and lit into me before I even realized he had heard. That darn slipper hurts. He was pretty mad and he did a thorough job before he stopped. He said ? still not letting me up, ‚AuI don‚Aot know what has gotten into you lately, but I am not going to put up with it. You are not to leave this house today for any reason. You may not call or text anyone except for me and yes ma‚Aoam, I‚Aoll check. ‚AuI couldn‚Aot stop myself from saying, ‚AuBut I have a brunch and a tea today. They are expecting me. ‚AuTom gave me another half dozen hard swats as he said, ‚AuThen perhaps your friends will be disappointed, just as I am. You need a day to get hold of yourself and your behavior or so help me Cassie, this will have just been a warm up. ‚Au I was on fire, no way did I want that to be a warm up. Tom let me up and held me as I snubbed. I finally ventured, ‚AuI have to tell Sue something, she is expecting me to go with her. You know she‚Aoll come up here. ‚Au‚AuThat won‚Aot be a problem,‚Au he said dryly, taking out his phone to call Sue. ‚AuDon‚Aot tell her you won‚Aot let me, please. Just tell her I don‚Aot feel well or something. ‚Au Sue knows I get spanked, she‚Aos known for decades and she was present at my one and only public spanking all those years ago. In fact, Sue occasionally get‚Aos her rump roasted these days. But I still didn‚Aot want to advertise the fact I‚Aod just been spanked and had been essentially grounded by my husband. I had little hope he‚Aod listen. Tom‚Aos a stickler for the truth. But when Sue answered, I heard Tom say, ‚AuSue, I‚Aom afraid Cassie won‚Aot be joining you today, she‚Aos not feeling well. ‚Au I was slightly surprised that he was going along with my request when he went on, ‚AuShe has a raging fever when she sits. I don‚Aot want you coming up or talking with her today or I‚Aoll see to it that it‚Aos contagious. ‚Au Even though I was annoyed at him, I couldn‚Aot help laughing in my head. Tom is so Tom and I do love him to death. c *****
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Cassie and Tom are happily settling into River living. Cassie is sure this peaceful new home is enough to keep her out of trouble, but with Sue living there too, staying out of trouble proves just too difficult. Cassie is further concerned about what relationship advice Tom may be giving Ryan. Overheard conversations and statements from Ryan has her worried that Tom may have shared ideas of adult spanking in his advice to Ryan. But when it seems Allie knows too, Cassie realizes she is going to have to try to explain things more fully. Can Cassie explain their way of life to an eighteen-year-old Allie? This book contains scenes with spanking between two mature adults. ?span class='maxbutton-1-container mb-container'>?a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-buy-on-amazon" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="http: //www. amazon. com/Cassies-River-Living-Space-Book-ebook/dp/B00N9QOXVO/ref=pd_sim_351_6?ie=UTF8038;refRID=1T4Z29MRETPK2Z7HD68C" data-mbga="{'cat': 'Amazon Buy Now','action': 'click','label': 'www. amazon. com','value': 0,'noninteraction': 'false'}">?span class='mb-text' >Buy on Amazon?/span>?/a>?/span>How many more surprise could I take? I married the best man in the world, Tom Duff, more than thirty years ago. He‚Aos managed to keep me happy, and more than satisfied, all those years. Just over a year ago, Tom bought me a house on the river that was the home of my dreams. The house formerly belonged to friends of ours and we‚Aod often stayed there as guests. When Tom found out the owners were selling, he signed the papers at once, and I had a surprise birthday gift like no other. Originally we thought to keep this river house as a weekend get away, but after remodeling and making the house exactly what we wanted, it became our permanent home. I knew how much I‚Aod love the house, but I never realized what wonderful neighbors I‚Aod have. Kate and Chris Daniels are exceptional people. I had hoped that Kate and I would become close friends, and we are friends, but what I never imagined was the extremely close friendship that developed between their teenage daughter and me. Allie is only seventeen, but we have bonded as true friends despite the fact I‚Aom old enough to be her grandmother. I felt everything in my little world was wonderful, except for one big old, nasty fly in the ointment: Tom chose to go back to work. Tom supposedly ‚Aoretired‚Ao nearly three years ago. I was so happy. I foolishly believed that meant he wouldn‚Aot be working all the time, and we could spend our time together. Evidently that was not Tom‚Aos definition of retirement. Nearly from the moment he was to become ‚Aomine‚Ao again, several companies have been on him to take consulting jobs. He‚Aod taken several during those three years, which annoyed me enough, but recently he‚Aod signed on to work again for the foreseeable future. He tried to get me on board, explaining he‚Aod only be going in three days a week, and that he‚Aod been able to hire anyone he wanted for his team. He went on about an old colleague coming to join him until I wanted to hear no more about it. As it turned out, this was just one more wonderful surprise from my husband. The old colleague turned out to be Steve Moore, Tom‚Aos best friend. Steve‚Aos wife is Sue ? the best friend I‚Aove had in my life, not counting Tom. I‚Aove known Sue and Steve since before Tom and I married. They were there for me during my first marriage, a period of my life that was pure hell, as I struggled to survive the abuse of the sick man my father ordered me to marry. Sue and Steve, and another couple Annie and Andy Holmes were my only true friends during that time, and they definitely kept me going. My first husband died unexpectedly five years into the marriage and these four friends continued their vigil and kept me alive in the years that followed. It was a wild time for me, exciting, fun, and often dangerous, as I used my inheritance to party as if there was no tomorrow. They gave up the full time job of keeping me somewhat reined in when I married Tom, but Sue and Annie are still my closest friends, despite the fact we‚Aove lived across the country from one another for over fifteen years. Now Sue and I were to be together again, and not just close, neighbors. Sue and Steve ended up buying the house on the other side of Kate and Chris. The night I found out was one of the happiest nights I can remember. Tom was happy too, but I knew his excitement was tempered by his concern over just what trouble Sue and I could find for ourselves. I suppose some of the stunts we‚Aove pulled over the years gave him reason for concern. But nonetheless, I was overjoyed with their relocating, and I threw myself into helping Sue get settled. Chapter TwoActually, I was soon worn out from helping Sue get settled. We usually spent most of our days shopping for the new house, but last week we actually spent one afternoon doing manual labor, the only kind I like, planting flowers. It was time to get bulbs in the ground and as the afternoon wore on, we both looked as if we‚Aod been wrestling in mud. ‚AuI‚Aom done,‚Au Sue said adamantly. ‚AuYou‚Aore the flower buff. All I need is a rock garden. ‚Au‚AuHush,‚Au I told her. ‚AuYou‚Aoll thank me in the spring. ‚Au Glancing at my watch, I exclaimed, ‚AuWell, you get your way for today. It‚Aos almost five. Tom will be home soon, I have to get cleaned up. ‚AuI hurried toward home. Tom really likes me to be there to greet him and I like it myself, but with Sue around, I didn‚Aot always make it. I also wanted to look nice when he arrived, but I saw Tom turn into our drive as I left Sue‚Aos yard and realized that wasn‚Aot happening that day. He came out on the deck as I was crossing the back yard and burst out laughing. ‚AuIt‚Aos finally come to this. You and Sue decided to spend the day making mud pies?‚Au‚AuI‚Aove been working on neighborhood beautification, I‚Aoll have you know,‚Au I told him, grinning. ‚AuPerhaps you could do a little more beautification while I start dinner,‚Au he suggested. The hot shower felt wonderful and Tom came to help me dry off. He then took my hand and led me to the bedroom, where he quickly helped me over his lap, his favorite position for me. I snuggled in as he ran his hands over my bottom. ‚AuI think we‚Aore going to have to make this a daily ritual around here now that Sue‚Aos close by,‚Au Tom began. ‚AuI thought it already was,‚Au I told him laughing. A quick pop on the butt caused me to try to quiet my giggles. ‚AuI suppose it‚Aos only a matter of time before you and Sue get into something you shouldn‚Aot. I thought I‚Aod make a preemptive strike. ‚Au With that, he took off peppering my behind with stinging swats. The heat was building, but I was still laughing. ‚AuYou can think of more reasons to spank than Carter has little liver pills! I hope this means that when we do get into something, you won‚Aot spank me then. ‚Au‚AuDon‚Aot count on that. ‚Au Tom stopped spanking to rub. ‚AuYou‚Aore really happy they‚Aore here, aren‚Aot you, girl?‚Au‚AuIt‚Aos one of the best gifts you‚Aove ever given me, honey. I don‚Aot think I knew how much I missed seeing Sue on a daily basis until I realized she‚Aos here to stay. ‚Au‚AuThey are, and I was wondering if you could stand more company for Christmas?‚AuTom was helping me sit up and I looked at him curiously. ‚AuI know Annie and Andy are coming, but they‚Aore staying at Sue‚Aos. Is someone else coming?‚Au‚AuI got a call from Ryan today. He wanted to know if we‚Aod mind if he came for the holidays. ‚AuI looked at Tom with concern. ‚AuYou know I‚Aod love to have him. But what about his family?‚AuRyan ? another of my loves. Ryan was a young man we originally knew from our church. Four summers ago, he came by asking if we needed any help with yard work. When we told that tall, skinny, gangly, fifteen year old that we didn‚Aot really need anyone else, he looked so disappointed it broke my heart. We decided to let him come help, and within one season we‚Aod let our lawn service go and gave Ryan the job full time. I loved that boy to death. He treated me just like a batty old grandmother and he absolutely idolized Tom. Ryan‚Aos mother had died when he was small, but his father remarried and his stepmother was a fine lady who had given Ryan two little sisters, of whom I knew he was quite proud. They were our neighbors in our previous neighborhood and when we moved to the river, Ryan came often to continue our lawn care. Of course, that‚Aos not the only reason he came often. The first time Ryan saw our beautiful little neighbor, Allie, I believe it was love at first sight. Now that Ryan was a freshman at college we certainly got the lion‚Aos share of his free time, but Christmas? I felt that there must be something very wrong at home. ‚AuHe only told me that the family was going to Georgia to be with his step-mom‚Aos family and that he didn‚Aot feel really comfortable going. I think he‚Aos still having problems with his dad too. ‚Au‚AuHow could anyone find fault with that sweet boy?‚Au I asked in wonder. ‚AuHis father wants him to follow in his footsteps and take over the business some day. I‚Aom sure many fathers feel that way. They‚Aoll work it out. But I told him to come on, his room is always here. ‚AuTom went to finish dinner and as I dressed, I thought about part of a conversation I‚Aod over heard the last time Ryan was here. I started out of our bedroom just in time to hear Tom say, ‚AuIt‚Aos our job to keep them safe. We have to protect them, even from themselves at times. ‚Au I came on into the room and the conversation was dropped. Later that day I confronted Tom. ‚AuJust what are you telling that boy?‚Au I wanted to know. ‚AuNow, girl, it‚Aos just man talk. ‚Au‚AuDon‚Aot patronize me, Tom, and don‚Aot you dare tell that child that you spank me. ‚Au‚AuHoney,‚Au he countered. ‚AuI‚Aom not the one telling the world that I spank you. ‚Au That took me back a little bit. I knew he was talking about my blog ? which he‚Aos never really approved of, but discussing the spanking lifestyle with similarly minded friends on the Internet was not the same at all. ‚AuDon‚Aot worry, girl, I‚Aom just answering a few questions the boy has. ‚Au Goodness I‚Aod love to sit in on those conversations. But he must be getting good advice from somewhere. Allie adores him, and I do love watching them together. Chapter ThreeAs we got closer and closer to Christmas, time seemed to speed up and I seemed to be running faster and faster to keep up. Between Christmas shopping, wrapping, decorating, church functions and the constant luncheons and parties, I was wiped out. I‚Aod enjoyed my freedom. Tom had been very lenient in many ways as I got used to having Sue back as a constant playmate. But he‚Aod fussed several times about me coming home later than I‚Aod said I‚Aod be and not always having or answering my phone. I knew I‚Aod been so tired lately and that sometime makes me a little snappy in the evening with Tom. Tom nearly reached the end of his patience the other night. I was trying to finish up our Christmas cards when around nine o‚Aoclock he said, ‚AuCassie, you look like you‚Aore about to fall asleep. Leave those until tomorrow and get to bed early tonight. ‚Au‚AuI‚Aom not going to bed at nine o‚Aoclock. Stop nagging me, I‚Aove got things to do,‚Au I told him in a sharp tone. ‚AuEnough,‚Au Tom told me rising to his feet. Enough is Tom‚Aos danger word. Once he says ‚Aoenough,‚Ao if I don‚Aot listen, there is no doubt what comes next. Tom was true to form. ‚AuI want you in bed in fifteen minutes or you won‚Aot be sitting tomorrow. I‚Aom tired of this attitude you get when you are overtired. You need to sleep. ‚AuI was most annoyed, but I had enough sense not to argue. I supposed he‚Aod been right, by the time I washed my face and got ready for bed, I was nearly asleep on my feet. Tom came in as I crawled into bed. He sat on my side and gave me a gentle kiss on each eye. I don‚Aot want you sick again. You have to pace yourself and stop spending all your lovely personality on others during the day, save a little for me. Now roll over and I‚Aoll rub your back. ‚AuMy sweet man, he‚Aos so good to me. I don‚Aot know why I ever get snappy with him. I felt his hands on my back and I drifted off into total bliss. ~o~My morning should have been just as peaceful, but it wasn‚Aot to be. Tom seemed to be in a lecture mode from the minute I opened my eyes. He and Steve were planning on golfing that day, but before he left, he seemed to have the need to tell me how I should act at brunch that morning and the tea I was attending that afternoon. Mostly he was telling me to stick to orange juice and tea, rather than Mimosas and wine. I was still in bed, trying to ignore all he was saying ? in a loving manner, of course, but he was going on and on about how a lady should act and about not overtaxing myself. I felt the later was a slam about my age, and I was just trying to tune him out. He continued talking as he walked into the bathroom and I said very quietly, yet unfortunately aloud, into my pillow, ‚AuKiss my ass. ‚Au Tom heard ? he had walked back into the room ? and suddenly lecture mode was gone. He grabbed his bedroom slipper and lit into me before I even realized he had heard. That darn slipper hurts. He was pretty mad and he did a thorough job before he stopped. He said ? still not letting me up, ‚AuI don‚Aot know what has gotten into you lately, but I am not going to put up with it. You are not to leave this house today for any reason. You may not call or text anyone except for me and yes ma‚Aoam, I‚Aoll check. ‚AuI couldn‚Aot stop myself from saying, ‚AuBut I have a brunch and a tea today. They are expecting me. ‚AuTom gave me another half dozen hard swats as he said, ‚AuThen perhaps your friends will be disappointed, just as I am. You need a day to get hold of yourself and your behavior or so help me Cassie, this will have just been a warm up. ‚Au I was on fire, no way did I want that to be a warm up. Tom let me up and held me as I snubbed. I finally ventured, ‚AuI have to tell Sue something, she is expecting me to go with her. You know she‚Aoll come up here. ‚Au‚AuThat won‚Aot be a problem,‚Au he said dryly, taking out his phone to call Sue. ‚AuDon‚Aot tell her you won‚Aot let me, please. Just tell her I don‚Aot feel well or something. ‚Au Sue knows I get spanked, she‚Aos known for decades and she was present at my one and only public spanking all those years ago. In fact, Sue occasionally get‚Aos her rump roasted these days. But I still didn‚Aot want to advertise the fact I‚Aod just been spanked and had been essentially grounded by my husband. I had little hope he‚Aod listen. Tom‚Aos a stickler for the truth. But when Sue answered, I heard Tom say, ‚AuSue, I‚Aom afraid Cassie won‚Aot be joining you today, she‚Aos not feeling well. ‚Au I was slightly surprised that he was going along with my request when he went on, ‚AuShe has a raging fever when she sits. I don‚Aot want you coming up or talking with her today or I‚Aoll see to it that it‚Aos contagious. ‚Au Even though I was annoyed at him, I couldn‚Aot help laughing in my head. Tom is so Tom and I do love him to death. c *****
Cassie and Tom are happily settling into River living. Cassie is sure this peaceful new home is enough to keep her out of trouble, but with Sue living there too, staying out of trouble proves just too difficult. Cassie is further concerned about what relationship advice Tom may be giving Ryan. Overheard conversations and statements from Ryan has her worried that Tom may have shared ideas of adult spanking in his advice to Ryan. But when it seems Allie knows too, Cassie realizes she is going to have to try to explain things more fully. Can Cassie explain their way of life to an eighteen-year-old Allie? This book contains scenes with spanking between two mature adults. ?span class='maxbutton-1-container mb-container'>?a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-buy-on-amazon" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="http: //www. amazon. com/Cassies-River-Living-Space-Book-ebook/dp/B00N9QOXVO/ref=pd_sim_351_6?ie=UTF8038;refRID=1T4Z29MRETPK2Z7HD68C" data-mbga="{'cat': 'Amazon Buy Now','action': 'click','label': 'www. amazon. com','value': 0,'noninteraction': 'false'}">?span class='mb-text' >Buy on Amazon?/span>?/a>?/span>How many more surprise could I take? I married the best man in the world, Tom Duff, more than thirty years ago. He‚Aos managed to keep me happy, and more than satisfied, all those years. Just over a year ago, Tom bought me a house on the river that was the home of my dreams. The house formerly belonged to friends of ours and we‚Aod often stayed there as guests. When Tom found out the owners were selling, he signed the papers at once, and I had a surprise birthday gift like no other. Originally we thought to keep this river house as a weekend get away, but after remodeling and making the house exactly what we wanted, it became our permanent home. I knew how much I‚Aod love the house, but I never realized what wonderful neighbors I‚Aod have. Kate and Chris Daniels are exceptional people. I had hoped that Kate and I would become close friends, and we are friends, but what I never imagined was the extremely close friendship that developed between their teenage daughter and me. Allie is only seventeen, but we have bonded as true friends despite the fact I‚Aom old enough to be her grandmother. I felt everything in my little world was wonderful, except for one big old, nasty fly in the ointment: Tom chose to go back to work. Tom supposedly ‚Aoretired‚Ao nearly three years ago. I was so happy. I foolishly believed that meant he wouldn‚Aot be working all the time, and we could spend our time together. Evidently that was not Tom‚Aos definition of retirement. Nearly from the moment he was to become ‚Aomine‚Ao again, several companies have been on him to take consulting jobs. He‚Aod taken several during those three years, which annoyed me enough, but recently he‚Aod signed on to work again for the foreseeable future. He tried to get me on board, explaining he‚Aod only be going in three days a week, and that he‚Aod been able to hire anyone he wanted for his team. He went on about an old colleague coming to join him until I wanted to hear no more about it. As it turned out, this was just one more wonderful surprise from my husband. The old colleague turned out to be Steve Moore, Tom‚Aos best friend. Steve‚Aos wife is Sue ? the best friend I‚Aove had in my life, not counting Tom. I‚Aove known Sue and Steve since before Tom and I married. They were there for me during my first marriage, a period of my life that was pure hell, as I struggled to survive the abuse of the sick man my father ordered me to marry. Sue and Steve, and another couple Annie and Andy Holmes were my only true friends during that time, and they definitely kept me going. My first husband died unexpectedly five years into the marriage and these four friends continued their vigil and kept me alive in the years that followed. It was a wild time for me, exciting, fun, and often dangerous, as I used my inheritance to party as if there was no tomorrow. They gave up the full time job of keeping me somewhat reined in when I married Tom, but Sue and Annie are still my closest friends, despite the fact we‚Aove lived across the country from one another for over fifteen years. Now Sue and I were to be together again, and not just close, neighbors. Sue and Steve ended up buying the house on the other side of Kate and Chris. The night I found out was one of the happiest nights I can remember. Tom was happy too, but I knew his excitement was tempered by his concern over just what trouble Sue and I could find for ourselves. I suppose some of the stunts we‚Aove pulled over the years gave him reason for concern. But nonetheless, I was overjoyed with their relocating, and I threw myself into helping Sue get settled. Chapter TwoActually, I was soon worn out from helping Sue get settled. We usually spent most of our days shopping for the new house, but last week we actually spent one afternoon doing manual labor, the only kind I like, planting flowers. It was time to get bulbs in the ground and as the afternoon wore on, we both looked as if we‚Aod been wrestling in mud. ‚AuI‚Aom done,‚Au Sue said adamantly. ‚AuYou‚Aore the flower buff. All I need is a rock garden. ‚Au‚AuHush,‚Au I told her. ‚AuYou‚Aoll thank me in the spring. ‚Au Glancing at my watch, I exclaimed, ‚AuWell, you get your way for today. It‚Aos almost five. Tom will be home soon, I have to get cleaned up. ‚AuI hurried toward home. Tom really likes me to be there to greet him and I like it myself, but with Sue around, I didn‚Aot always make it. I also wanted to look nice when he arrived, but I saw Tom turn into our drive as I left Sue‚Aos yard and realized that wasn‚Aot happening that day. He came out on the deck as I was crossing the back yard and burst out laughing. ‚AuIt‚Aos finally come to this. You and Sue decided to spend the day making mud pies?‚Au‚AuI‚Aove been working on neighborhood beautification, I‚Aoll have you know,‚Au I told him, grinning. ‚AuPerhaps you could do a little more beautification while I start dinner,‚Au he suggested. The hot shower felt wonderful and Tom came to help me dry off. He then took my hand and led me to the bedroom, where he quickly helped me over his lap, his favorite position for me. I snuggled in as he ran his hands over my bottom. ‚AuI think we‚Aore going to have to make this a daily ritual around here now that Sue‚Aos close by,‚Au Tom began. ‚AuI thought it already was,‚Au I told him laughing. A quick pop on the butt caused me to try to quiet my giggles. ‚AuI suppose it‚Aos only a matter of time before you and Sue get into something you shouldn‚Aot. I thought I‚Aod make a preemptive strike. ‚Au With that, he took off peppering my behind with stinging swats. The heat was building, but I was still laughing. ‚AuYou can think of more reasons to spank than Carter has little liver pills! I hope this means that when we do get into something, you won‚Aot spank me then. ‚Au‚AuDon‚Aot count on that. ‚Au Tom stopped spanking to rub. ‚AuYou‚Aore really happy they‚Aore here, aren‚Aot you, girl?‚Au‚AuIt‚Aos one of the best gifts you‚Aove ever given me, honey. I don‚Aot think I knew how much I missed seeing Sue on a daily basis until I realized she‚Aos here to stay. ‚Au‚AuThey are, and I was wondering if you could stand more company for Christmas?‚AuTom was helping me sit up and I looked at him curiously. ‚AuI know Annie and Andy are coming, but they‚Aore staying at Sue‚Aos. Is someone else coming?‚Au‚AuI got a call from Ryan today. He wanted to know if we‚Aod mind if he came for the holidays. ‚AuI looked at Tom with concern. ‚AuYou know I‚Aod love to have him. But what about his family?‚AuRyan ? another of my loves. Ryan was a young man we originally knew from our church. Four summers ago, he came by asking if we needed any help with yard work. When we told that tall, skinny, gangly, fifteen year old that we didn‚Aot really need anyone else, he looked so disappointed it broke my heart. We decided to let him come help, and within one season we‚Aod let our lawn service go and gave Ryan the job full time. I loved that boy to death. He treated me just like a batty old grandmother and he absolutely idolized Tom. Ryan‚Aos mother had died when he was small, but his father remarried and his stepmother was a fine lady who had given Ryan two little sisters, of whom I knew he was quite proud. They were our neighbors in our previous neighborhood and when we moved to the river, Ryan came often to continue our lawn care. Of course, that‚Aos not the only reason he came often. The first time Ryan saw our beautiful little neighbor, Allie, I believe it was love at first sight. Now that Ryan was a freshman at college we certainly got the lion‚Aos share of his free time, but Christmas? I felt that there must be something very wrong at home. ‚AuHe only told me that the family was going to Georgia to be with his step-mom‚Aos family and that he didn‚Aot feel really comfortable going. I think he‚Aos still having problems with his dad too. ‚Au‚AuHow could anyone find fault with that sweet boy?‚Au I asked in wonder. ‚AuHis father wants him to follow in his footsteps and take over the business some day. I‚Aom sure many fathers feel that way. They‚Aoll work it out. But I told him to come on, his room is always here. ‚AuTom went to finish dinner and as I dressed, I thought about part of a conversation I‚Aod over heard the last time Ryan was here. I started out of our bedroom just in time to hear Tom say, ‚AuIt‚Aos our job to keep them safe. We have to protect them, even from themselves at times. ‚Au I came on into the room and the conversation was dropped. Later that day I confronted Tom. ‚AuJust what are you telling that boy?‚Au I wanted to know. ‚AuNow, girl, it‚Aos just man talk. ‚Au‚AuDon‚Aot patronize me, Tom, and don‚Aot you dare tell that child that you spank me. ‚Au‚AuHoney,‚Au he countered. ‚AuI‚Aom not the one telling the world that I spank you. ‚Au That took me back a little bit. I knew he was talking about my blog ? which he‚Aos never really approved of, but discussing the spanking lifestyle with similarly minded friends on the Internet was not the same at all. ‚AuDon‚Aot worry, girl, I‚Aom just answering a few questions the boy has. ‚Au Goodness I‚Aod love to sit in on those conversations. But he must be getting good advice from somewhere. Allie adores him, and I do love watching them together. Chapter ThreeAs we got closer and closer to Christmas, time seemed to speed up and I seemed to be running faster and faster to keep up. Between Christmas shopping, wrapping, decorating, church functions and the constant luncheons and parties, I was wiped out. I‚Aod enjoyed my freedom. Tom had been very lenient in many ways as I got used to having Sue back as a constant playmate. But he‚Aod fussed several times about me coming home later than I‚Aod said I‚Aod be and not always having or answering my phone. I knew I‚Aod been so tired lately and that sometime makes me a little snappy in the evening with Tom. Tom nearly reached the end of his patience the other night. I was trying to finish up our Christmas cards when around nine o‚Aoclock he said, ‚AuCassie, you look like you‚Aore about to fall asleep. Leave those until tomorrow and get to bed early tonight. ‚Au‚AuI‚Aom not going to bed at nine o‚Aoclock. Stop nagging me, I‚Aove got things to do,‚Au I told him in a sharp tone. ‚AuEnough,‚Au Tom told me rising to his feet. Enough is Tom‚Aos danger word. Once he says ‚Aoenough,‚Ao if I don‚Aot listen, there is no doubt what comes next. Tom was true to form. ‚AuI want you in bed in fifteen minutes or you won‚Aot be sitting tomorrow. I‚Aom tired of this attitude you get when you are overtired. You need to sleep. ‚AuI was most annoyed, but I had enough sense not to argue. I supposed he‚Aod been right, by the time I washed my face and got ready for bed, I was nearly asleep on my feet. Tom came in as I crawled into bed. He sat on my side and gave me a gentle kiss on each eye. I don‚Aot want you sick again. You have to pace yourself and stop spending all your lovely personality on others during the day, save a little for me. Now roll over and I‚Aoll rub your back. ‚AuMy sweet man, he‚Aos so good to me. I don‚Aot know why I ever get snappy with him. I felt his hands on my back and I drifted off into total bliss. ~o~My morning should have been just as peaceful, but it wasn‚Aot to be. Tom seemed to be in a lecture mode from the minute I opened my eyes. He and Steve were planning on golfing that day, but before he left, he seemed to have the need to tell me how I should act at brunch that morning and the tea I was attending that afternoon. Mostly he was telling me to stick to orange juice and tea, rather than Mimosas and wine. I was still in bed, trying to ignore all he was saying ? in a loving manner, of course, but he was going on and on about how a lady should act and about not overtaxing myself. I felt the later was a slam about my age, and I was just trying to tune him out. He continued talking as he walked into the bathroom and I said very quietly, yet unfortunately aloud, into my pillow, ‚AuKiss my ass. ‚Au Tom heard ? he had walked back into the room ? and suddenly lecture mode was gone. He grabbed his bedroom slipper and lit into me before I even realized he had heard. That darn slipper hurts. He was pretty mad and he did a thorough job before he stopped. He said ? still not letting me up, ‚AuI don‚Aot know what has gotten into you lately, but I am not going to put up with it. You are not to leave this house today for any reason. You may not call or text anyone except for me and yes ma‚Aoam, I‚Aoll check. ‚AuI couldn‚Aot stop myself from saying, ‚AuBut I have a brunch and a tea today. They are expecting me. ‚AuTom gave me another half dozen hard swats as he said, ‚AuThen perhaps your friends will be disappointed, just as I am. You need a day to get hold of yourself and your behavior or so help me Cassie, this will have just been a warm up. ‚Au I was on fire, no way did I want that to be a warm up. Tom let me up and held me as I snubbed. I finally ventured, ‚AuI have to tell Sue something, she is expecting me to go with her. You know she‚Aoll come up here. ‚Au‚AuThat won‚Aot be a problem,‚Au he said dryly, taking out his phone to call Sue. ‚AuDon‚Aot tell her you won‚Aot let me, please. Just tell her I don‚Aot feel well or something. ‚Au Sue knows I get spanked, she‚Aos known for decades and she was present at my one and only public spanking all those years ago. In fact, Sue occasionally get‚Aos her rump roasted these days. But I still didn‚Aot want to advertise the fact I‚Aod just been spanked and had been essentially grounded by my husband. I had little hope he‚Aod listen. Tom‚Aos a stickler for the truth. But when Sue answered, I heard Tom say, ‚AuSue, I‚Aom afraid Cassie won‚Aot be joining you today, she‚Aos not feeling well. ‚Au I was slightly surprised that he was going along with my request when he went on, ‚AuShe has a raging fever when she sits. I don‚Aot want you coming up or talking with her today or I‚Aoll see to it that it‚Aos contagious. ‚Au Even though I was annoyed at him, I couldn‚Aot help laughing in my head. Tom is so Tom and I do love him to death. c *****