Cross the Line by Jenny Plumb

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Blurred Lines Book 1

At the tender age of twenty, Andie has already been stealing cars for five years. Her con artist father passed away when she was just a teen, but not before teaching her everything he knew. With no one else to look out for her, Andie followed in his footsteps in order to avoid being taken into foster care. But secretly she always wished she had a strict parent who would tell her not to steal... and who would spank her if she did.

David and Nina are happily married, and in public they lead very conventional lives; he’s a veterinarian, and she’s a photographer. But in private, they are both Dominants who enjoy playing with a select few submissives, and Littles that they can top and ‘parent’ together.

Andie’s life changes drastically the day she accidentally hits a dog with a stolen car and meets David. Without quite knowing how—or why, Andie realizes that the kind older man and his wife are becoming more and more involved in all aspects of her life, including the legal trouble she's managed to get herself into.

Soon, the three of them are forming a platonic family unit without knowing each other’s secrets, but will mere friendship be enough for them, or do they all need something more... extraordinary?

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Blurred Lines Book 1

At the tender age of twenty, Andie has already been stealing cars for five years. Her con artist father passed away when she was just a teen, but not before teaching her everything he knew. With no one else to look out for her, Andie followed in his footsteps in order to avoid being taken into foster care. But secretly she always wished she had a strict parent who would tell her not to steal... and who would spank her if she did.

David and Nina are happily married, and in public they lead very conventional lives; he’s a veterinarian, and she’s a photographer. But in private, they are both Dominants who enjoy playing with a select few submissives, and Littles that they can top and ‘parent’ together.

Andie’s life changes drastically the day she accidentally hits a dog with a stolen car and meets David. Without quite knowing how—or why, Andie realizes that the kind older man and his wife are becoming more and more involved in all aspects of her life, including the legal trouble she's managed to get herself into.

Soon, the three of them are forming a platonic family unit without knowing each other’s secrets, but will mere friendship be enough for them, or do they all need something more... extraordinary?

Blurred Lines Book 1

At the tender age of twenty, Andie has already been stealing cars for five years. Her con artist father passed away when she was just a teen, but not before teaching her everything he knew. With no one else to look out for her, Andie followed in his footsteps in order to avoid being taken into foster care. But secretly she always wished she had a strict parent who would tell her not to steal... and who would spank her if she did.

David and Nina are happily married, and in public they lead very conventional lives; he’s a veterinarian, and she’s a photographer. But in private, they are both Dominants who enjoy playing with a select few submissives, and Littles that they can top and ‘parent’ together.

Andie’s life changes drastically the day she accidentally hits a dog with a stolen car and meets David. Without quite knowing how—or why, Andie realizes that the kind older man and his wife are becoming more and more involved in all aspects of her life, including the legal trouble she's managed to get herself into.

Soon, the three of them are forming a platonic family unit without knowing each other’s secrets, but will mere friendship be enough for them, or do they all need something more... extraordinary?

Over the Line by Jenny Plumb
Walk the Line by Jenny Plumb