Cupid's Wager

Larissa hated Valentine‚Äôs Day. How silly to think that lovers needed a special day to proclaim their undying devotion to one another! It was a crock, conceived by capitalists and perpetuated on the ignorant masses. She was not going to cover her girlfriend‚Äôs shift at the diner just so she and her boyfriend could celebrate the four-month anniversary of the first time they‚Äôd shared spaghetti together. Good grief! Mars taunted his son, Cupid, as they watched the scene play out before them.¬† ‚ÄúScore two points for me!‚Äù Valentine‚Äôs Day was just a few days away, and the young god of love had been scrambling to bring more couples together in time for the holiday that he was so fond of. Before long Mars entangled his impetuous son in a ridiculous wager. Cupid would bring two people together who had absolutely nothing in common, before Valentine‚Äôs Day. Their love would be more than just lust or desire, but everlasting devotion. Mars would pick the couple, and let Cupid‚Äôs arrows do their best. If Cupid succeeded, Mars would stop trying to break couples apart. If he lost, Mars would wreak havoc upon the planet the likes of which no mortal would survive. Cupid swallowed anxiously. The entire fate of the planet rested on his belief that love was the most powerful magic in the universe. But whom would his father choose for the wager?  
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Larissa hated Valentine‚Äôs Day. How silly to think that lovers needed a special day to proclaim their undying devotion to one another! It was a crock, conceived by capitalists and perpetuated on the ignorant masses. She was not going to cover her girlfriend‚Äôs shift at the diner just so she and her boyfriend could celebrate the four-month anniversary of the first time they‚Äôd shared spaghetti together. Good grief! Mars taunted his son, Cupid, as they watched the scene play out before them.¬† ‚ÄúScore two points for me!‚Äù Valentine‚Äôs Day was just a few days away, and the young god of love had been scrambling to bring more couples together in time for the holiday that he was so fond of. Before long Mars entangled his impetuous son in a ridiculous wager. Cupid would bring two people together who had absolutely nothing in common, before Valentine‚Äôs Day. Their love would be more than just lust or desire, but everlasting devotion. Mars would pick the couple, and let Cupid‚Äôs arrows do their best. If Cupid succeeded, Mars would stop trying to break couples apart. If he lost, Mars would wreak havoc upon the planet the likes of which no mortal would survive. Cupid swallowed anxiously. The entire fate of the planet rested on his belief that love was the most powerful magic in the universe. But whom would his father choose for the wager?  
Larissa hated Valentine‚Äôs Day. How silly to think that lovers needed a special day to proclaim their undying devotion to one another! It was a crock, conceived by capitalists and perpetuated on the ignorant masses. She was not going to cover her girlfriend‚Äôs shift at the diner just so she and her boyfriend could celebrate the four-month anniversary of the first time they‚Äôd shared spaghetti together. Good grief! Mars taunted his son, Cupid, as they watched the scene play out before them.¬† ‚ÄúScore two points for me!‚Äù Valentine‚Äôs Day was just a few days away, and the young god of love had been scrambling to bring more couples together in time for the holiday that he was so fond of. Before long Mars entangled his impetuous son in a ridiculous wager. Cupid would bring two people together who had absolutely nothing in common, before Valentine‚Äôs Day. Their love would be more than just lust or desire, but everlasting devotion. Mars would pick the couple, and let Cupid‚Äôs arrows do their best. If Cupid succeeded, Mars would stop trying to break couples apart. If he lost, Mars would wreak havoc upon the planet the likes of which no mortal would survive. Cupid swallowed anxiously. The entire fate of the planet rested on his belief that love was the most powerful magic in the universe. But whom would his father choose for the wager?  
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