Deuce's Dancer: Journey Series, Book 4

The next day was spent wind-surfing followed by lazing at the beach until the sun went down. She and Deuce took a boat tour of the nearby reef at sunset, and discussed politics and religion. They had both in common, but they found points on which they differed and it made for a lively conversation. They kissed several times, and Pilar's breasts firmed and her nipples got hard as pebbles under his fingers.

Though Deuce made it very clear that he desired her, that he found her attractive and sexy, he didn't push hard. He was watching her closely, like a jaguar, waiting for the moment that she couldn't stand keeping him away any longer. It was a scary and thrilling thought to consider sleeping with him with no commitment and no future. In this case, what happened in Jamaica would stay in Jamaica.

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The next day was spent wind-surfing followed by lazing at the beach until the sun went down. She and Deuce took a boat tour of the nearby reef at sunset, and discussed politics and religion. They had both in common, but they found points on which they differed and it made for a lively conversation. They kissed several times, and Pilar's breasts firmed and her nipples got hard as pebbles under his fingers.

Though Deuce made it very clear that he desired her, that he found her attractive and sexy, he didn't push hard. He was watching her closely, like a jaguar, waiting for the moment that she couldn't stand keeping him away any longer. It was a scary and thrilling thought to consider sleeping with him with no commitment and no future. In this case, what happened in Jamaica would stay in Jamaica.

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The next day was spent wind-surfing followed by lazing at the beach until the sun went down. She and Deuce took a boat tour of the nearby reef at sunset, and discussed politics and religion. They had both in common, but they found points on which they differed and it made for a lively conversation. They kissed several times, and Pilar's breasts firmed and her nipples got hard as pebbles under his fingers.

Though Deuce made it very clear that he desired her, that he found her attractive and sexy, he didn't push hard. He was watching her closely, like a jaguar, waiting for the moment that she couldn't stand keeping him away any longer. It was a scary and thrilling thought to consider sleeping with him with no commitment and no future. In this case, what happened in Jamaica would stay in Jamaica.

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