Only Her by Carolyn Faulkner


Annabelle "Tink" Valente loves her job, and she's damn good at it. She's been there practically since the Aces Casino's inception, and she's grown along with it. The people she works with are like family.

And the head of the family is Dev Greco – tall, dark and handsome, with a mind like a steel trap and a body that would make a Vegas stripper blush, along with a staunch disregard for anything that smacks of love.

Anna doesn't want to want Dev, but they have become so close as his business blooms that she throws her usual caution to the wind and propositions him one night, not really expecting that he would take her up on it ¬– and with a counter proposition of his own that touches on desires she only ever dreamed about.

But everything isn't all peaches and cream in the family, and Anna ends up very badly hurt ¬– from a source that blindsides and devastates her.

Can she forgive him enough to give him another chance?

Publisher's Note: Only Her is a romance, full of passion-filled love scenes and adult discipline.

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Annabelle "Tink" Valente loves her job, and she's damn good at it. She's been there practically since the Aces Casino's inception, and she's grown along with it. The people she works with are like family.

And the head of the family is Dev Greco – tall, dark and handsome, with a mind like a steel trap and a body that would make a Vegas stripper blush, along with a staunch disregard for anything that smacks of love.

Anna doesn't want to want Dev, but they have become so close as his business blooms that she throws her usual caution to the wind and propositions him one night, not really expecting that he would take her up on it ¬– and with a counter proposition of his own that touches on desires she only ever dreamed about.

But everything isn't all peaches and cream in the family, and Anna ends up very badly hurt ¬– from a source that blindsides and devastates her.

Can she forgive him enough to give him another chance?

Publisher's Note: Only Her is a romance, full of passion-filled love scenes and adult discipline.

Annabelle "Tink" Valente loves her job, and she's damn good at it. She's been there practically since the Aces Casino's inception, and she's grown along with it. The people she works with are like family.

And the head of the family is Dev Greco – tall, dark and handsome, with a mind like a steel trap and a body that would make a Vegas stripper blush, along with a staunch disregard for anything that smacks of love.

Anna doesn't want to want Dev, but they have become so close as his business blooms that she throws her usual caution to the wind and propositions him one night, not really expecting that he would take her up on it ¬– and with a counter proposition of his own that touches on desires she only ever dreamed about.

But everything isn't all peaches and cream in the family, and Anna ends up very badly hurt ¬– from a source that blindsides and devastates her.

Can she forgive him enough to give him another chance?

Publisher's Note: Only Her is a romance, full of passion-filled love scenes and adult discipline.

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