Redeeming Rikki by Anna Kristell


Rikki Renard, known as the Diva Driver of NASCAR, is in the lead for the championship this year. She has skill as a driver and an impressive knowledge of cars but her temper and outspoken attitude push most people away. Crew chief after crew chief has walked out of the job, afraid to stand up to the daughter of the team's owner.

Everyone but Brock Williams, that is. The minute the current chief walks out, Brock makes his interest in the position known to Rikki's dad. Brock has been on Rikki’s crew for quite a while and he has watched her lose control and drive people away in the process. She doesn’t scare him, though, he has three younger sisters and knows the best way to calm her down.

Richard Renard has a feeling about this young man and gives him the promotion on the spot. Brock may be just what his oldest daughter needs, both on and off the track. When Rikki finds herself attracted to her hot new crew chief, will she realize the error of her diva ways before it's too late? Has she truly met her match in Brock, as he attempts to tame the Diva Driver?

Publisher’s Note: This romance, which takes place in the NASCAR world, is intended for adults only and includes themes of discipline of adult women and mildly explicit scenes. If any of these themes offend you, please do not purchase.

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Rikki Renard, known as the Diva Driver of NASCAR, is in the lead for the championship this year. She has skill as a driver and an impressive knowledge of cars but her temper and outspoken attitude push most people away. Crew chief after crew chief has walked out of the job, afraid to stand up to the daughter of the team's owner.

Everyone but Brock Williams, that is. The minute the current chief walks out, Brock makes his interest in the position known to Rikki's dad. Brock has been on Rikki’s crew for quite a while and he has watched her lose control and drive people away in the process. She doesn’t scare him, though, he has three younger sisters and knows the best way to calm her down.

Richard Renard has a feeling about this young man and gives him the promotion on the spot. Brock may be just what his oldest daughter needs, both on and off the track. When Rikki finds herself attracted to her hot new crew chief, will she realize the error of her diva ways before it's too late? Has she truly met her match in Brock, as he attempts to tame the Diva Driver?

Publisher’s Note: This romance, which takes place in the NASCAR world, is intended for adults only and includes themes of discipline of adult women and mildly explicit scenes. If any of these themes offend you, please do not purchase.

Rikki Renard, known as the Diva Driver of NASCAR, is in the lead for the championship this year. She has skill as a driver and an impressive knowledge of cars but her temper and outspoken attitude push most people away. Crew chief after crew chief has walked out of the job, afraid to stand up to the daughter of the team's owner.

Everyone but Brock Williams, that is. The minute the current chief walks out, Brock makes his interest in the position known to Rikki's dad. Brock has been on Rikki’s crew for quite a while and he has watched her lose control and drive people away in the process. She doesn’t scare him, though, he has three younger sisters and knows the best way to calm her down.

Richard Renard has a feeling about this young man and gives him the promotion on the spot. Brock may be just what his oldest daughter needs, both on and off the track. When Rikki finds herself attracted to her hot new crew chief, will she realize the error of her diva ways before it's too late? Has she truly met her match in Brock, as he attempts to tame the Diva Driver?

Publisher’s Note: This romance, which takes place in the NASCAR world, is intended for adults only and includes themes of discipline of adult women and mildly explicit scenes. If any of these themes offend you, please do not purchase.

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