Spawn of Babylon

A shy schoolteacher. A brooding hunk. Beware the passion that unleashes fathomless terror from the deep! Sweet and loyal Polly is happy to help her best friend Eleanor hold on to her family's private island on the secluded Georgia coast. But sexy, glamorous Eleanor has a secret -- one that could destroy Polly's innocence forever! Gorgeous hotel developer Greg Hatter is determined to claim Eleanor's island -- and clear his long-dead father's name. But when his passion for Polly awakens an ancient horror, Greg is forced to choose between family honor and forbidden love. ?span class='maxbutton-1-container mb-container'>?a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-buy-on-amazon" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="http: //www. amazon. com/gp/product/B00ZMPHM5Y/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8038;camp=1789038;creative=9325038;creativeASIN=B00ZMPHM5Y038;linkCode=as2038;tag=romantspank-20038;linkId=UPIVZLY2PFUAU6J2" data-mbga="{'cat': 'Amazon Buy Now','action': 'click','label': 'www. amazon. com','value': 0,'noninteraction': 'false'}">?span class='mb-text' >Buy on Amazon?/span>?/a>?/span>Lust hit Polly Parker like a tropical heat wave. The vacationing school teacher had just lowered her educational magazine an inch or two to admire the tranquil view of the Atlantic Ocean. Instead, she got a glimpse of sheer male perfection, the kind that made her pulse pound and her palms go slick and hot. Right before her eyes, the ultimate golden hunk emerged from the foaming billows and came striding purposefully across the pure white sands of the remote Georgia beach. ?‚AuHello there,‚Au he said, in a voice as dark and sinfully rich as chocolate cake. His blue eyes zeroed in on Polly with laser precision. ‚AuDo you own this pretty white beach house?‚Au‚AuOh! Own the beach house? Uh. . . no, I don‚Aot. Eleanor ? my friend Eleanor ? she owns it. I‚Aom just down for the summer. ‚Au Polly wondered if she sounded as dumb as she felt. What did the stud, with the mile-wide shoulders and the wash-board stomach, care how long she was here for?‚AuAh, and this must be Eleanor Hiss, the owner of the property. ‚Au His bone-melting gaze shifted, and Polly looked over her shoulder to see her best friend tripping down the front steps. ?‚AuRight, you are, handsome stranger. What can I do for you?‚Au Eleanor held out a slim, manicured hand, as sleek and self-confident as a man-eating serpent. Polly sighed inwardly as the two glamorous looking people shook hands and sized each other up. They were the perfect couple. Eleanor was sexy and sultry, dark and mysterious, the exact opposite of? Polly. The hunk squeezing her hand was a drool-worthy combination of sun-tanned good looks and primitive male allure. ‚AuI‚Aom Greg Hatter, with Hatter Hotels. We‚Aore looking for beachfront opportunities on the Georgia coast, and I was told that you own quite a bit of property around here. ‚Au The man had to be filthy rich. Anyone who was still buying land in this economy was either crazy or loaded. When he smiled, showing off a dimple on his cheek to match the deep cleft in his chin, Polly had a sudden urge to invest every last dime in Hatter Hotels. Either that or have Greg Hatter‚Aos baby. ‚AuDo you always do business in your bathing suit?‚Au Eleanor asked. She gave Greg‚Aos drop-dead body the once-over in a relaxed but openly interested way that made Polly squirm with jealousy. Why couldn‚Aot she be cool, casual and charming around impossibly rich and gorgeous men?‚AuI‚Aom staying with friends over on Little St. Simon‚Aos Island,‚Au Greg explained. ‚AuI know there‚Aos a causeway that connects your island to the mainland, but the weather was perfect, so I jumped in the water instead of walking. I figured a bathing suit was easier to put on than a business suit. ‚Au‚AuAnd it‚Aos easier to take off a bathing suit, too. ‚Au Eleanor let that remark dangle just long enough to hook Greg‚Aos interest. ?‚AuNot when I‚Aom dog-tired after a long swim. ‚Au Greg‚Aos lazy comeback told Polly he wasn‚Aot going to tumble into Eleanor‚Aos arms just yet. He was obviously smart as well as rich and gorgeous. ??‚AuHe‚Aos right, Eleanor,‚Au Polly put in. ‚AuLittle St. Simon‚Aos is miles from here! Greg, would you like to sit down? We have lemonade, sandwiches and brownies. I mean, I just made them; they‚Aore low-fat brownies. I love to bake and I‚Aom really good at it, but I hate my thighs, so I‚Aom trying to lose weight. ‚AuNice going, genius! I hate my thighs? Polly felt humiliated by her runaway tongue, even as Greg‚Aos fabulous laugh washed over. It was warm and rich and it came from deep down in the man‚Aos chest. The flustered little blonde went weak and wobbly at the sound?but she wanted to hear more. ‚AuPolly makes fabulous low-fat brownies, just the thing for a man with an active lifestyle. ‚Au Eleanor‚Aos low, slightly husky voice was calm and reassuring. Even her laugh sounded supportive. She sank down on the blanket the two of them had spread out earlier, looking queenly and sexy but at the same time down-to-earth. She gave Polly a nudge, woman-to-woman, telling her to relax. Polly loved Eleanor. But Greg was just so damned hot. He sat down too, and while Eleanor was opening the picnic basket he turned and spoke to her in a low, thrillingly intimate voice. ‚AuYour eyes,‚Au he said, holding her gaze, ‚Authey match the sea. ‚Au His body was relaxed, but angled forward, and his entire focus was placed on her. ?‚AuThey‚Aore just green. ‚Au Polly bit into a tuna fish sandwich, which tasted like foam rubber. ‚AuI guess you must be a poet, as well as a millionaire, and you must swim an awful lot. ‚Au‚AuNo, I just I like green eyes,‚Au Greg paused, ‚Auand I do swim an awful lot. ‚Au??‚AuPolly‚Aos only bashful until you get to know her,‚Au Eleanor cautioned, nibbling on a slim green celery stalk. ‚AuAfter that, watch out!‚Au Her dark brown eyes twinkled. ‚AuThat‚Aos right. ‚Au Polly giggled. ‚AuThey put me in charge of the toughest third graders. ‚Au‚AuYou‚Aore a teacher? That‚Aos great!‚Au Greg began asking all about the Honeywell Grade School. Before long, she was talking away, amazed that a man this spectacular-looking was interested in? her. Polly knew she was reasonably attractive. She had golden hair, green eyes, and her rounded figure might have been sexy if her thighs weren‚Aot so chunky, but somehow she never felt sexy deep inside. Men didn‚Aot fall for the wholesome type who made brownies. They fell for the dark, sexy type who flirted and teased. They fell for Eleanor. ‚AuAnd when the eggs hatched, we had a party to welcome the new babies into the world!‚Au‚AuI wish I‚Aod been there,‚Au Greg teased. ‚AuI like chicks. ‚Au‚AuOh, please!‚Au Polly pouted. ‚AuSmart chicks don‚Aot fall for a line and a handful of birdseed. ‚Au‚AuAre we still talking about chickens?‚Au Greg asked innocently. ‚AuNo, we‚Aore not. ‚Au?‚AuThat‚Aos good,‚Au Greg said. ‚AuBecause that can only mean we‚Aore talking about you. ‚Au‚AuFascinating subject,‚Au Eleanor put in, just to remind them she was there. ‚AuI‚Aom not nearly as fascinating as Eleanor‚Aos island,‚Au Polly said quickly. ‚AuThis is the only island in Georgia to have been claimed by the Spanish, the French, the English?and the Americans. ‚Au?‚AuNot to mention the Indians,‚Au Eleanor put in slyly, ‚Auand a few very lucky runaway slaves. ‚Au‚AuIt‚Aos a beautiful location,‚Au Greg agreed. ‚AuPristine beaches, lots of wetlands, and a sheltered crossing to the mainland. But it sounds like none of the people who claimed this island ever stuck around for very long. Is there something I should know?‚Au‚AuAh, the shrewd businessman,‚Au Eleanor teased. ‚AuLooking to knock down the price before the negotiation even begins. ‚Au‚AuWell, it‚Aos not like this place is cursed or anything,‚Au Polly said quickly. ‚AuI mean, the Spanish called it the Serpent Isle, and the French called it the Island of Danger, but that‚Aos probably just because of all the snakes and alligators. Of course, there‚Aos still a few of them around today, but they never attack anyone. Well, almost never. You can co-exist with them if you‚Aore careful!‚AuGreg laughed. ‚AuSomething tells me you‚Aore a better teacher than a used-car salesman. ‚Au‚AuI was just being honest,‚Au Polly replied, halfway between flattered and sulky. She gave Greg a look, letting him know she wasn‚Aot backing down an inch. ‚AuYou look like a fairly intelligent man, Mr. Hatter, so there‚Aos no reason to lie to you. I mean, we can hardly run around in the night and scoop up all the snakes and alligators so you won‚Aot notice them during the day!‚Au????‚AuI would have thought you could communicate with the alligators,‚Au Greg teased. ‚AuThe way you do with your third-graders. ‚Au‚AuYou can‚Aot change a predator,‚Au Polly said, letting her eyes linger on Greg‚Aos sexy body. ‚AuSometimes it‚Aos fun to try, though. ‚Au His eyes met hers, a hypnotic shimmering blue. ‚AuSure, and then all you end up with is babies, I mean alligator babies. Or eggs. ‚AuPolly was really enjoying herself. But just then Eleanor pointed down the beach. ‚AuSpeaking of eggs, there‚Aos a cracked specimen. ‚Au‚AuOh, don‚Aot say that. Dexter is just crazy about you, Eleanor. ‚Au Polly felt sorry for the tall, skinny young man staggering towards them, weighed down by cameras and scientific equipment. ‚AuHoney, the only thing he‚Aos crazy about around here is breeding patterns and alligator eggs,‚Au Eleanor said, her crooked, cynical smile only making her look even more sophisticated and sexy. ?‚AuSo there are gators around here. ‚Au Greg leaned back casually on the sand, but his blue eyes gleamed shrewdly. ‚AuThat‚Aos a real problem when you‚Aore trying to develop. Those environmental people will do just about anything to protect the gators. ‚AuEleanor rolled her dark eyes in mock exasperation. ‚AuYes, I know that. Thanks to Dexter. ‚Au‚AuThanks for what?‚Au Huffing and puffing, Dexter collapsed and sprawled on the blanket, taking up plenty of room. His elbows and knees and his great big feet stuck out every which way, throwing sand everywhere. He seemed oblivious to the havoc he was causing, but he gaped at Eleanor with total slack-jawed adoration. Not that he had the slightest chance with her, Polly thought. He looked like a scarecrow in his badly-fitting white shirt and rumpled khaki pants. ‚AuThank you for not getting sand in my sandwich, dear,‚Au Eleanor said sweetly. ‚AuI‚Aom s-sorry, Eleanor,‚Au Dexter stammered. He missed her sarcasm, but not her killer smile. That clearly got him right through the heart. ‚AuI forgot all about the pic?the pic?about the picnic. ‚Au‚AuAnd thank you for interrupting your important scientific work,‚Au Polly added quickly. She really felt for poor Dexter. She could relate to how clueless he was about making a good impression. ‚AuSo you‚Aore a scientist?‚Au Greg asked, holding out his powerful, but perfectly manicured hand. ‚AuGreg Hatter, Hatter Hotels. What are you, federal, EPA?‚Au‚AuI‚Aom not with anyone. I‚Aom a graduate student,‚Au Dexter was a lot better with other men than with beautiful women. He shook Greg‚Aos hand and introduced himself without stammering. ‚AuThat means he‚Aos hungry,‚Au Eleanor joked. ‚AuHave something to eat, Dexter. But please, don‚Aot tell our new friend Greg how the whole island is crawling with alligators. It‚Aoll kill the sales price!‚Au‚AuBut it‚Aos not crawling with alligators!‚Au Dexter exclaimed. He pushed an unruly shock of badly-cut black hair away from his high white forehead. ‚AuI just can‚Aot figure it out. Conditions in the swamps are perfect for breeding, but I haven‚Aot been able to find a single nest. It‚Aos like something is scaring them off! It must be bacteria, or a new worm-like parasite. If only I could discover. . . ‚Au‚AuOh, dear, what will we do without our alligators?‚Au Eleanor laughed, and rose gracefully to her feet. ‚AuKids, if you don‚Aot mind, I think I‚Aoll take advantage of this stunning, beautiful day to show Mr. Hatter here some of the less deadly parts of our island. You‚Aoll find it interesting, I promise!‚Au‚AuI‚Aod like that,‚Au Greg said seriously. He got up as well, but not before giving Polly a glance. ‚AuSure you wouldn‚Aot like to come along?‚AuPolly waved him off. ‚AuThis is Eleanor‚Aos island. She‚Aos got tons of offers, so be nice to her! Besides, I‚Aod come along, but then poor Dexter would be all alone. ‚AuGreg nodded. ‚AuYou‚Aore okay, for a smart chick. ‚Au‚AuWhat does that mean?‚Au Dexter asked, after Greg and Eleanor had vanished into the fragrant, flower-filled forest that covered much of Eleanor‚Aos small island. ‚AuOh, nothing. ‚Au Polly reckoned dark, seductive Eleanor would soon make Greg forget all about her. Yet for one brief moment she had felt genuinely attractive. That was enough for one day, she thought wistfully. ‚AuEat your sandwich, Dexter dear. ‚Au****Polly was worried. Eleanor had gone into Brunswick early in the morning, to do some shopping and to meet Greg Hatter. It was dark now, past nine o‚Aoclock, and no sign of her friend. Every time Polly tried her cell she got voice mail. Was she still with Greg? Ever since he first popped up three days ago, emerging from the waves like some golden god out of Greek mythology, Polly had secretly fantasized that hot gorgeous Greg would come back to the island looking for her. But it was clear now that he was only interested in Eleanor, and her island. Right now the two of them were probably in a cozy motel room, having earth-shaking sex to celebrate closing the sale. Polly hated Eleanor for snagging him so easily, even though she‚Aod willingly given Polly first crack. She felt like walking out, packing up to go home. Instead, she continued to pace back and forth in Eleanor‚Aos tiny living room, her turbulent feelings an uncomfortable mix of jealousy and concern. ??Just then the telephone rang. Polly snatched it off the hook on the first ring. ‚AuEleanor? Hello?‚Au There was deep male breathing on the other end, hoarse panting, like someone was totally exhausted after running for miles or having fabulous sex. ‚AuGreg? Is that you?‚Au‚AuPolly? It‚Aos me, Dexter. Can I speak to Eleanor, please? I‚Aom really in a jam!‚AuPolly stifled her disappointment. ‚AuI don‚Aot know where Eleanor is, Dexter,‚Au she said patiently. ‚AuShe went to Brunswick early in the morning. Have you seen her in town today?‚Au‚AuI haven‚Aot been in town,‚Au Dexter panted. ‚AuI got picked up by some Georgia Wildlife agents. They claimed I was in a protected area. I guess I crossed onto state land by mistake. But someone must have tipped them off! Eleanor gave me permission to explore her private island all I wanted. I know this is some kind of government conspiracy! I‚Aove just made the most incredible discovery. . . ‚Au All of a sudden Polly heard shouts and rude laughter at the other end of the line. ?‚AuI am not going out of my mind!‚Au Dexter shouted. ‚AuThe evidence is clear. A competing predator has driven the alligator population away, and it has to be a competitor that lives elsewhere and only visits the breeding grounds for periodical use. They come ashore to breed, like the giant green sea turtle! They‚Aove been nesting on the same mid-Atlantic island for over forty million years!‚AuPolly bit her full lower lip, trying hard not to laugh. ‚AuDexter, are you in jail?‚Au‚AuI‚Aom at the sheriff‚Aos office,‚Au Dexter replied sheepishly. ‚AuIt‚Aos out on the old beach road. When Eleanor gets in, could you ask her to come down here? The sheriff says he‚Aoll let me go if she does. ‚Au‚AuOh, poor Dexter! Of course I will. Do you need us to bring you anything?‚Au Polly was thinking in terms of bail money or extra identification for the sheriff. ‚AuYes, could you ask her to bring the dinosaur field guide I left on the back porch? I have a bet here with a biker named Lamar about ancient sea reptiles protecting their young. It‚Aos on page 177!‚Au There was more background noise, with Dexter shouting at someone else in the holding cell. ‚AuOh, dear. Please be careful until we get there, Dexter!‚Au As Polly put down the phone, she found herself smiling for the first time all day. Dexter Nye might not be every woman‚Aos dream, but he was fearless and passionate about the things he believed in. Maybe that was why Eleanor put up with him. The sultry temptress and the goofy scientist were an unlikely pair, but no more so than a shy schoolteacher and a young hotel magnate with pots of money and the body of a Greek god. Polly found the field guide without any trouble. But when she flopped down on the sofa and opened the book a scrap of faded paper fell into her lap. The yellowish paper had a small set of numbers written on it ? and the handwriting wasn‚Aot Dexter‚Aos. 1833, 1877, 1921, 1965 . . . there was clearly a progression, a pattern of some sort. Polly looked at the book, which had fallen open to a picture of a ghastly looking sea creature squatting over a clutch of eggs on an ancient beach. This was clearly the page Dexter had just mentioned over the phone. But what did dinosaur eggs have to do with a handful of modern dates written in Eleanor‚Aos handwriting?‚AuPolly honey, I am going to kill that man!‚Au The front door flew open with a loud bang. Eleanor Hiss swept into the cozy little parlor like an invigorating gust of salty sea air. ‚AuEleanor! I‚Aove been worried sick about you. What man are you talking about?‚Au Polly stuffed the dinosaur book under the couch cushions, instantly forgetting all about nesting sea creatures. ‚AuGreg Hatter. That blonde, lying billionaire had this all planned. He screwed me!‚Au Eleanor was looking stunning and sexy as always in a wine-dark red designer dress and black stiletto heels. Yet as she threw herself down on the sofa, Polly saw that she was tired and unusually agitated. As a rule Eleanor exuded confidence, a sultry calm she carried as easily as she wore her musky perfume. ??‚AuGreg Hatter screwed you? What do you mean?‚Au Polly hated the way her own heart started beating a little faster, just from picturing the golden hunk in her mind‚Aos eye. If Greg had screwed Eleanor ? if he had done anything at all to hurt her best friend, she would never forgive him. ‚AuHe decided he didn‚Aot want to wait six or eight weeks before I sold him the island. He decided he‚Aod put a little pressure on, so I‚Aod have to give it to him right away, instead of taking bids from other developers. ‚Au Eleanor fell back on the cushions next to Polly, rubbing her temples. ‚AuWhat kind of pressure?‚AuEleanor kicked off her high heels, and crossed her long, elegant legs at the ankle. She put her hands behind her head and glared at a pretty watercolor painting on the other side of the room. ‚AuIt seems that the sexy Mr. Hatter has high-placed friends in the Georgia state government. He called up the DNR ? that‚Aos the Department of Natural Resources ? and started asking them questions about our local alligator population, why it‚Aos disappeared and why I have some insane science geek wandering around the swamps, trampling the nests and possibly destroying all the alligator eggs. ‚Au‚AuThat means Dexter!‚Au Polly cried. ‚AuBut he could never ? Dexter isn‚Aot the type ? why would Greg even say such horrible things?‚Au All at once she remembered Dexter‚Aos frantic phone call. Polly quickly filled Eleanor in on the arrest. ‚AuIt all makes sense,‚Au Eleanor said wearily, when Polly was finished bringing her up to date. ‚AuBailing out Dexter will just make it more obvious to the locals that there‚Aos something going on between me and him. And then when the DNR people come out here to investigate, they‚Aoll take weeks and weeks, I‚Aoll get reprimanded and fined, and probably have my land taken by the state. Then I‚Aoll have nothing but my trust fund to fall back on!‚Au‚AuAnd your brains, your amazing self-confidence and your incredible looks. ‚Au Polly didn‚Aot often try to boost Eleanor‚Aos ego, but tonight her poised and glamorous friend really seemed down. ‚AuBut I still don‚Aot understand. What does Greg get out of all this? He seemed like such a nice guy. ‚Au?‚AuHe wants to beat the other hotel chains. He offered me ten million dollars this afternoon. ‚AuPolly whistled. ‚AuThat‚Aos more than three times what you said the island was worth,‚Au she said. ‚AuWhy not sell to Greg and get it over with? I guess his friends will make it tough for you otherwise. ‚AuEleanor looked at Polly for the first time. ‚AuThis place goes back a very long way in my family. I don‚Aot like having strangers nosing around. And I don‚Aot like being pushed around, either. Would you give in to a man like Greg just because he looks good in a bathing suit?‚Au‚AuNo, of course not!‚Au Polly pictured herself drooling over Greg‚Aos body-builder physique when they first met on the beach. A blush crept up her cheeks. ‚AuStill, you have to be fair, Eleanor. You were the one who told him how good he looked in a swimsuit. ‚Au‚AuI did not,‚Au Eleanor said primly. ‚AuI merely pointed out that a skimpy little swim suit like his could come off in a hurry. If a man owned this island, do you think golden boy would have come over to talk business wearing a tight red banana hammock? Greg Hatter clearly thinks he‚Aos God‚Aos gift to women. I don‚Aot like it when men use their private assets to get ahead in business. ‚Au‚AuI see. ‚Au Polly frowned thoughtfully, remembering her own reaction to Greg‚Aos body. Eleanor was sexy, but she didn‚Aot seem to crave sex. Not like Dexter craved her. Eleanor eyed her shrewdly. ‚AuI certainly wouldn‚Aot kick Greg Hatter out of bed, but that‚Aos very different from being ready to sell my birthright to him in return for sex. Not that he made the offer. Frankly, I got the impression that he was a lot more interested in you. ‚Au‚AuInterested in me?‚Au‚AuHe asked if he could take another look around the island by himself. He meant without me watching him, of course. Off the record, before he brings in his government friends. I told him it was fine with me, but my army of alligators might get him if he did. And then he said being eaten by alligators would be a small price to pay for another look at you. Not the island, honey. You. ‚Au‚AuDid he really say that?‚Au Polly‚Aos big green eyes were as wide as saucers. Eleanor frowned, her dark eyes serious. ‚AuLots of women would kill to look like you, Polly. You‚Aore the girl next door. Nobody ever tries to screw Miss Goody-two-shoes. ‚Au‚AuThanks a lot. ‚Au‚AuMen look at me and all they think about is sex. They look at you and they think about slaying dragons to keep you safe. ‚Au‚AuLucky me,‚Au Polly wisecracked. ‚AuToo bad there aren‚Aot any dragons around here. ‚Au‚AuNone that would hurt you, anyway. ‚Au Eleanor sighed, and there was sadness in her eyes. ‚AuYou really don‚Aot want to waste your time being jealous of me, honey. I‚Aove got all kinds of grief!‚Au??‚AuI know. And I‚Aom stupid to complain. There‚Aos nothing wrong with being twenty-five and single. ‚Au Polly bounced up from the couch. ‚AuSo do you want me to help you bail Dexter out?‚Au‚AuNo, you‚Aod better not. ‚Au Eleanor stretched on the couch. Then she sighed, and stood up straight and tall, looking slim and graceful even when exhausted. ‚AuThis has been one very long day. Now I have to go and convince the sheriff that Dexter isn‚Aot insane ? and then I‚Aom going to give our lizard-loving little mad scientist a piece of my mind. ‚Au She squeezed Polly‚Aos arm, her expression melancholy. ‚AuThat‚Aos why I don‚Aot want you along, honey. Dexter and I have some things to talk about. It‚Aos not going to be pretty, but I don‚Aot want him to feel even worse than he has to. ‚Au‚AuOh, Eleanor. ‚Au Polly felt tears sting her eyes. It wasn‚Aot so much Dexter getting dumped by Eleanor. It was the idea that her darkly sexy, cynical friend actually felt something for the poor guy. ? ‚AuYou really do care about him, don‚Aot you? God, I was so stupid to think you were only after Greg. There‚Aos so much more to loving someone than just the way he looks!‚Au Polly gave Eleanor an impulsive squeeze. Eleanor returned the hug. ‚AuYou‚Aore all right, honey. The funny thing is, in a way Greg might be good for you. I mean, he‚Aos ruthless, but he‚Aos filthy rich. And totally hot. ‚Au The two of them laughed. At the door Eleanor paused, resting her slender hand on the doorframe. ‚AuEight weeks,‚Au she sighed, gazing out at the dark night and the empty beach. ‚AuHe couldn‚Aot even give us eight weeks. ‚AuPolly knew Eleanor was in trouble, but she didn‚Aot know how to help. Watching her friend drive off into the night, she resolved to have a frank conversation with super-sexy Greg Hatter! *****
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A shy schoolteacher. A brooding hunk. Beware the passion that unleashes fathomless terror from the deep! Sweet and loyal Polly is happy to help her best friend Eleanor hold on to her family's private island on the secluded Georgia coast. But sexy, glamorous Eleanor has a secret -- one that could destroy Polly's innocence forever! Gorgeous hotel developer Greg Hatter is determined to claim Eleanor's island -- and clear his long-dead father's name. But when his passion for Polly awakens an ancient horror, Greg is forced to choose between family honor and forbidden love. ?span class='maxbutton-1-container mb-container'>?a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-buy-on-amazon" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="http: //www. amazon. com/gp/product/B00ZMPHM5Y/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8038;camp=1789038;creative=9325038;creativeASIN=B00ZMPHM5Y038;linkCode=as2038;tag=romantspank-20038;linkId=UPIVZLY2PFUAU6J2" data-mbga="{'cat': 'Amazon Buy Now','action': 'click','label': 'www. amazon. com','value': 0,'noninteraction': 'false'}">?span class='mb-text' >Buy on Amazon?/span>?/a>?/span>Lust hit Polly Parker like a tropical heat wave. The vacationing school teacher had just lowered her educational magazine an inch or two to admire the tranquil view of the Atlantic Ocean. Instead, she got a glimpse of sheer male perfection, the kind that made her pulse pound and her palms go slick and hot. Right before her eyes, the ultimate golden hunk emerged from the foaming billows and came striding purposefully across the pure white sands of the remote Georgia beach. ?‚AuHello there,‚Au he said, in a voice as dark and sinfully rich as chocolate cake. His blue eyes zeroed in on Polly with laser precision. ‚AuDo you own this pretty white beach house?‚Au‚AuOh! Own the beach house? Uh. . . no, I don‚Aot. Eleanor ? my friend Eleanor ? she owns it. I‚Aom just down for the summer. ‚Au Polly wondered if she sounded as dumb as she felt. What did the stud, with the mile-wide shoulders and the wash-board stomach, care how long she was here for?‚AuAh, and this must be Eleanor Hiss, the owner of the property. ‚Au His bone-melting gaze shifted, and Polly looked over her shoulder to see her best friend tripping down the front steps. ?‚AuRight, you are, handsome stranger. What can I do for you?‚Au Eleanor held out a slim, manicured hand, as sleek and self-confident as a man-eating serpent. Polly sighed inwardly as the two glamorous looking people shook hands and sized each other up. They were the perfect couple. Eleanor was sexy and sultry, dark and mysterious, the exact opposite of? Polly. The hunk squeezing her hand was a drool-worthy combination of sun-tanned good looks and primitive male allure. ‚AuI‚Aom Greg Hatter, with Hatter Hotels. We‚Aore looking for beachfront opportunities on the Georgia coast, and I was told that you own quite a bit of property around here. ‚Au The man had to be filthy rich. Anyone who was still buying land in this economy was either crazy or loaded. When he smiled, showing off a dimple on his cheek to match the deep cleft in his chin, Polly had a sudden urge to invest every last dime in Hatter Hotels. Either that or have Greg Hatter‚Aos baby. ‚AuDo you always do business in your bathing suit?‚Au Eleanor asked. She gave Greg‚Aos drop-dead body the once-over in a relaxed but openly interested way that made Polly squirm with jealousy. Why couldn‚Aot she be cool, casual and charming around impossibly rich and gorgeous men?‚AuI‚Aom staying with friends over on Little St. Simon‚Aos Island,‚Au Greg explained. ‚AuI know there‚Aos a causeway that connects your island to the mainland, but the weather was perfect, so I jumped in the water instead of walking. I figured a bathing suit was easier to put on than a business suit. ‚Au‚AuAnd it‚Aos easier to take off a bathing suit, too. ‚Au Eleanor let that remark dangle just long enough to hook Greg‚Aos interest. ?‚AuNot when I‚Aom dog-tired after a long swim. ‚Au Greg‚Aos lazy comeback told Polly he wasn‚Aot going to tumble into Eleanor‚Aos arms just yet. He was obviously smart as well as rich and gorgeous. ??‚AuHe‚Aos right, Eleanor,‚Au Polly put in. ‚AuLittle St. Simon‚Aos is miles from here! Greg, would you like to sit down? We have lemonade, sandwiches and brownies. I mean, I just made them; they‚Aore low-fat brownies. I love to bake and I‚Aom really good at it, but I hate my thighs, so I‚Aom trying to lose weight. ‚AuNice going, genius! I hate my thighs? Polly felt humiliated by her runaway tongue, even as Greg‚Aos fabulous laugh washed over. It was warm and rich and it came from deep down in the man‚Aos chest. The flustered little blonde went weak and wobbly at the sound?but she wanted to hear more. ‚AuPolly makes fabulous low-fat brownies, just the thing for a man with an active lifestyle. ‚Au Eleanor‚Aos low, slightly husky voice was calm and reassuring. Even her laugh sounded supportive. She sank down on the blanket the two of them had spread out earlier, looking queenly and sexy but at the same time down-to-earth. She gave Polly a nudge, woman-to-woman, telling her to relax. Polly loved Eleanor. But Greg was just so damned hot. He sat down too, and while Eleanor was opening the picnic basket he turned and spoke to her in a low, thrillingly intimate voice. ‚AuYour eyes,‚Au he said, holding her gaze, ‚Authey match the sea. ‚Au His body was relaxed, but angled forward, and his entire focus was placed on her. ?‚AuThey‚Aore just green. ‚Au Polly bit into a tuna fish sandwich, which tasted like foam rubber. ‚AuI guess you must be a poet, as well as a millionaire, and you must swim an awful lot. ‚Au‚AuNo, I just I like green eyes,‚Au Greg paused, ‚Auand I do swim an awful lot. ‚Au??‚AuPolly‚Aos only bashful until you get to know her,‚Au Eleanor cautioned, nibbling on a slim green celery stalk. ‚AuAfter that, watch out!‚Au Her dark brown eyes twinkled. ‚AuThat‚Aos right. ‚Au Polly giggled. ‚AuThey put me in charge of the toughest third graders. ‚Au‚AuYou‚Aore a teacher? That‚Aos great!‚Au Greg began asking all about the Honeywell Grade School. Before long, she was talking away, amazed that a man this spectacular-looking was interested in? her. Polly knew she was reasonably attractive. She had golden hair, green eyes, and her rounded figure might have been sexy if her thighs weren‚Aot so chunky, but somehow she never felt sexy deep inside. Men didn‚Aot fall for the wholesome type who made brownies. They fell for the dark, sexy type who flirted and teased. They fell for Eleanor. ‚AuAnd when the eggs hatched, we had a party to welcome the new babies into the world!‚Au‚AuI wish I‚Aod been there,‚Au Greg teased. ‚AuI like chicks. ‚Au‚AuOh, please!‚Au Polly pouted. ‚AuSmart chicks don‚Aot fall for a line and a handful of birdseed. ‚Au‚AuAre we still talking about chickens?‚Au Greg asked innocently. ‚AuNo, we‚Aore not. ‚Au?‚AuThat‚Aos good,‚Au Greg said. ‚AuBecause that can only mean we‚Aore talking about you. ‚Au‚AuFascinating subject,‚Au Eleanor put in, just to remind them she was there. ‚AuI‚Aom not nearly as fascinating as Eleanor‚Aos island,‚Au Polly said quickly. ‚AuThis is the only island in Georgia to have been claimed by the Spanish, the French, the English?and the Americans. ‚Au?‚AuNot to mention the Indians,‚Au Eleanor put in slyly, ‚Auand a few very lucky runaway slaves. ‚Au‚AuIt‚Aos a beautiful location,‚Au Greg agreed. ‚AuPristine beaches, lots of wetlands, and a sheltered crossing to the mainland. But it sounds like none of the people who claimed this island ever stuck around for very long. Is there something I should know?‚Au‚AuAh, the shrewd businessman,‚Au Eleanor teased. ‚AuLooking to knock down the price before the negotiation even begins. ‚Au‚AuWell, it‚Aos not like this place is cursed or anything,‚Au Polly said quickly. ‚AuI mean, the Spanish called it the Serpent Isle, and the French called it the Island of Danger, but that‚Aos probably just because of all the snakes and alligators. Of course, there‚Aos still a few of them around today, but they never attack anyone. Well, almost never. You can co-exist with them if you‚Aore careful!‚AuGreg laughed. ‚AuSomething tells me you‚Aore a better teacher than a used-car salesman. ‚Au‚AuI was just being honest,‚Au Polly replied, halfway between flattered and sulky. She gave Greg a look, letting him know she wasn‚Aot backing down an inch. ‚AuYou look like a fairly intelligent man, Mr. Hatter, so there‚Aos no reason to lie to you. I mean, we can hardly run around in the night and scoop up all the snakes and alligators so you won‚Aot notice them during the day!‚Au????‚AuI would have thought you could communicate with the alligators,‚Au Greg teased. ‚AuThe way you do with your third-graders. ‚Au‚AuYou can‚Aot change a predator,‚Au Polly said, letting her eyes linger on Greg‚Aos sexy body. ‚AuSometimes it‚Aos fun to try, though. ‚Au His eyes met hers, a hypnotic shimmering blue. ‚AuSure, and then all you end up with is babies, I mean alligator babies. Or eggs. ‚AuPolly was really enjoying herself. But just then Eleanor pointed down the beach. ‚AuSpeaking of eggs, there‚Aos a cracked specimen. ‚Au‚AuOh, don‚Aot say that. Dexter is just crazy about you, Eleanor. ‚Au Polly felt sorry for the tall, skinny young man staggering towards them, weighed down by cameras and scientific equipment. ‚AuHoney, the only thing he‚Aos crazy about around here is breeding patterns and alligator eggs,‚Au Eleanor said, her crooked, cynical smile only making her look even more sophisticated and sexy. ?‚AuSo there are gators around here. ‚Au Greg leaned back casually on the sand, but his blue eyes gleamed shrewdly. ‚AuThat‚Aos a real problem when you‚Aore trying to develop. Those environmental people will do just about anything to protect the gators. ‚AuEleanor rolled her dark eyes in mock exasperation. ‚AuYes, I know that. Thanks to Dexter. ‚Au‚AuThanks for what?‚Au Huffing and puffing, Dexter collapsed and sprawled on the blanket, taking up plenty of room. His elbows and knees and his great big feet stuck out every which way, throwing sand everywhere. He seemed oblivious to the havoc he was causing, but he gaped at Eleanor with total slack-jawed adoration. Not that he had the slightest chance with her, Polly thought. He looked like a scarecrow in his badly-fitting white shirt and rumpled khaki pants. ‚AuThank you for not getting sand in my sandwich, dear,‚Au Eleanor said sweetly. ‚AuI‚Aom s-sorry, Eleanor,‚Au Dexter stammered. He missed her sarcasm, but not her killer smile. That clearly got him right through the heart. ‚AuI forgot all about the pic?the pic?about the picnic. ‚Au‚AuAnd thank you for interrupting your important scientific work,‚Au Polly added quickly. She really felt for poor Dexter. She could relate to how clueless he was about making a good impression. ‚AuSo you‚Aore a scientist?‚Au Greg asked, holding out his powerful, but perfectly manicured hand. ‚AuGreg Hatter, Hatter Hotels. What are you, federal, EPA?‚Au‚AuI‚Aom not with anyone. I‚Aom a graduate student,‚Au Dexter was a lot better with other men than with beautiful women. He shook Greg‚Aos hand and introduced himself without stammering. ‚AuThat means he‚Aos hungry,‚Au Eleanor joked. ‚AuHave something to eat, Dexter. But please, don‚Aot tell our new friend Greg how the whole island is crawling with alligators. It‚Aoll kill the sales price!‚Au‚AuBut it‚Aos not crawling with alligators!‚Au Dexter exclaimed. He pushed an unruly shock of badly-cut black hair away from his high white forehead. ‚AuI just can‚Aot figure it out. Conditions in the swamps are perfect for breeding, but I haven‚Aot been able to find a single nest. It‚Aos like something is scaring them off! It must be bacteria, or a new worm-like parasite. If only I could discover. . . ‚Au‚AuOh, dear, what will we do without our alligators?‚Au Eleanor laughed, and rose gracefully to her feet. ‚AuKids, if you don‚Aot mind, I think I‚Aoll take advantage of this stunning, beautiful day to show Mr. Hatter here some of the less deadly parts of our island. You‚Aoll find it interesting, I promise!‚Au‚AuI‚Aod like that,‚Au Greg said seriously. He got up as well, but not before giving Polly a glance. ‚AuSure you wouldn‚Aot like to come along?‚AuPolly waved him off. ‚AuThis is Eleanor‚Aos island. She‚Aos got tons of offers, so be nice to her! Besides, I‚Aod come along, but then poor Dexter would be all alone. ‚AuGreg nodded. ‚AuYou‚Aore okay, for a smart chick. ‚Au‚AuWhat does that mean?‚Au Dexter asked, after Greg and Eleanor had vanished into the fragrant, flower-filled forest that covered much of Eleanor‚Aos small island. ‚AuOh, nothing. ‚Au Polly reckoned dark, seductive Eleanor would soon make Greg forget all about her. Yet for one brief moment she had felt genuinely attractive. That was enough for one day, she thought wistfully. ‚AuEat your sandwich, Dexter dear. ‚Au****Polly was worried. Eleanor had gone into Brunswick early in the morning, to do some shopping and to meet Greg Hatter. It was dark now, past nine o‚Aoclock, and no sign of her friend. Every time Polly tried her cell she got voice mail. Was she still with Greg? Ever since he first popped up three days ago, emerging from the waves like some golden god out of Greek mythology, Polly had secretly fantasized that hot gorgeous Greg would come back to the island looking for her. But it was clear now that he was only interested in Eleanor, and her island. Right now the two of them were probably in a cozy motel room, having earth-shaking sex to celebrate closing the sale. Polly hated Eleanor for snagging him so easily, even though she‚Aod willingly given Polly first crack. She felt like walking out, packing up to go home. Instead, she continued to pace back and forth in Eleanor‚Aos tiny living room, her turbulent feelings an uncomfortable mix of jealousy and concern. ??Just then the telephone rang. Polly snatched it off the hook on the first ring. ‚AuEleanor? Hello?‚Au There was deep male breathing on the other end, hoarse panting, like someone was totally exhausted after running for miles or having fabulous sex. ‚AuGreg? Is that you?‚Au‚AuPolly? It‚Aos me, Dexter. Can I speak to Eleanor, please? I‚Aom really in a jam!‚AuPolly stifled her disappointment. ‚AuI don‚Aot know where Eleanor is, Dexter,‚Au she said patiently. ‚AuShe went to Brunswick early in the morning. Have you seen her in town today?‚Au‚AuI haven‚Aot been in town,‚Au Dexter panted. ‚AuI got picked up by some Georgia Wildlife agents. They claimed I was in a protected area. I guess I crossed onto state land by mistake. But someone must have tipped them off! Eleanor gave me permission to explore her private island all I wanted. I know this is some kind of government conspiracy! I‚Aove just made the most incredible discovery. . . ‚Au All of a sudden Polly heard shouts and rude laughter at the other end of the line. ?‚AuI am not going out of my mind!‚Au Dexter shouted. ‚AuThe evidence is clear. A competing predator has driven the alligator population away, and it has to be a competitor that lives elsewhere and only visits the breeding grounds for periodical use. They come ashore to breed, like the giant green sea turtle! They‚Aove been nesting on the same mid-Atlantic island for over forty million years!‚AuPolly bit her full lower lip, trying hard not to laugh. ‚AuDexter, are you in jail?‚Au‚AuI‚Aom at the sheriff‚Aos office,‚Au Dexter replied sheepishly. ‚AuIt‚Aos out on the old beach road. When Eleanor gets in, could you ask her to come down here? The sheriff says he‚Aoll let me go if she does. ‚Au‚AuOh, poor Dexter! Of course I will. Do you need us to bring you anything?‚Au Polly was thinking in terms of bail money or extra identification for the sheriff. ‚AuYes, could you ask her to bring the dinosaur field guide I left on the back porch? I have a bet here with a biker named Lamar about ancient sea reptiles protecting their young. It‚Aos on page 177!‚Au There was more background noise, with Dexter shouting at someone else in the holding cell. ‚AuOh, dear. Please be careful until we get there, Dexter!‚Au As Polly put down the phone, she found herself smiling for the first time all day. Dexter Nye might not be every woman‚Aos dream, but he was fearless and passionate about the things he believed in. Maybe that was why Eleanor put up with him. The sultry temptress and the goofy scientist were an unlikely pair, but no more so than a shy schoolteacher and a young hotel magnate with pots of money and the body of a Greek god. Polly found the field guide without any trouble. But when she flopped down on the sofa and opened the book a scrap of faded paper fell into her lap. The yellowish paper had a small set of numbers written on it ? and the handwriting wasn‚Aot Dexter‚Aos. 1833, 1877, 1921, 1965 . . . there was clearly a progression, a pattern of some sort. Polly looked at the book, which had fallen open to a picture of a ghastly looking sea creature squatting over a clutch of eggs on an ancient beach. This was clearly the page Dexter had just mentioned over the phone. But what did dinosaur eggs have to do with a handful of modern dates written in Eleanor‚Aos handwriting?‚AuPolly honey, I am going to kill that man!‚Au The front door flew open with a loud bang. Eleanor Hiss swept into the cozy little parlor like an invigorating gust of salty sea air. ‚AuEleanor! I‚Aove been worried sick about you. What man are you talking about?‚Au Polly stuffed the dinosaur book under the couch cushions, instantly forgetting all about nesting sea creatures. ‚AuGreg Hatter. That blonde, lying billionaire had this all planned. He screwed me!‚Au Eleanor was looking stunning and sexy as always in a wine-dark red designer dress and black stiletto heels. Yet as she threw herself down on the sofa, Polly saw that she was tired and unusually agitated. As a rule Eleanor exuded confidence, a sultry calm she carried as easily as she wore her musky perfume. ??‚AuGreg Hatter screwed you? What do you mean?‚Au Polly hated the way her own heart started beating a little faster, just from picturing the golden hunk in her mind‚Aos eye. If Greg had screwed Eleanor ? if he had done anything at all to hurt her best friend, she would never forgive him. ‚AuHe decided he didn‚Aot want to wait six or eight weeks before I sold him the island. He decided he‚Aod put a little pressure on, so I‚Aod have to give it to him right away, instead of taking bids from other developers. ‚Au Eleanor fell back on the cushions next to Polly, rubbing her temples. ‚AuWhat kind of pressure?‚AuEleanor kicked off her high heels, and crossed her long, elegant legs at the ankle. She put her hands behind her head and glared at a pretty watercolor painting on the other side of the room. ‚AuIt seems that the sexy Mr. Hatter has high-placed friends in the Georgia state government. He called up the DNR ? that‚Aos the Department of Natural Resources ? and started asking them questions about our local alligator population, why it‚Aos disappeared and why I have some insane science geek wandering around the swamps, trampling the nests and possibly destroying all the alligator eggs. ‚Au‚AuThat means Dexter!‚Au Polly cried. ‚AuBut he could never ? Dexter isn‚Aot the type ? why would Greg even say such horrible things?‚Au All at once she remembered Dexter‚Aos frantic phone call. Polly quickly filled Eleanor in on the arrest. ‚AuIt all makes sense,‚Au Eleanor said wearily, when Polly was finished bringing her up to date. ‚AuBailing out Dexter will just make it more obvious to the locals that there‚Aos something going on between me and him. And then when the DNR people come out here to investigate, they‚Aoll take weeks and weeks, I‚Aoll get reprimanded and fined, and probably have my land taken by the state. Then I‚Aoll have nothing but my trust fund to fall back on!‚Au‚AuAnd your brains, your amazing self-confidence and your incredible looks. ‚Au Polly didn‚Aot often try to boost Eleanor‚Aos ego, but tonight her poised and glamorous friend really seemed down. ‚AuBut I still don‚Aot understand. What does Greg get out of all this? He seemed like such a nice guy. ‚Au?‚AuHe wants to beat the other hotel chains. He offered me ten million dollars this afternoon. ‚AuPolly whistled. ‚AuThat‚Aos more than three times what you said the island was worth,‚Au she said. ‚AuWhy not sell to Greg and get it over with? I guess his friends will make it tough for you otherwise. ‚AuEleanor looked at Polly for the first time. ‚AuThis place goes back a very long way in my family. I don‚Aot like having strangers nosing around. And I don‚Aot like being pushed around, either. Would you give in to a man like Greg just because he looks good in a bathing suit?‚Au‚AuNo, of course not!‚Au Polly pictured herself drooling over Greg‚Aos body-builder physique when they first met on the beach. A blush crept up her cheeks. ‚AuStill, you have to be fair, Eleanor. You were the one who told him how good he looked in a swimsuit. ‚Au‚AuI did not,‚Au Eleanor said primly. ‚AuI merely pointed out that a skimpy little swim suit like his could come off in a hurry. If a man owned this island, do you think golden boy would have come over to talk business wearing a tight red banana hammock? Greg Hatter clearly thinks he‚Aos God‚Aos gift to women. I don‚Aot like it when men use their private assets to get ahead in business. ‚Au‚AuI see. ‚Au Polly frowned thoughtfully, remembering her own reaction to Greg‚Aos body. Eleanor was sexy, but she didn‚Aot seem to crave sex. Not like Dexter craved her. Eleanor eyed her shrewdly. ‚AuI certainly wouldn‚Aot kick Greg Hatter out of bed, but that‚Aos very different from being ready to sell my birthright to him in return for sex. Not that he made the offer. Frankly, I got the impression that he was a lot more interested in you. ‚Au‚AuInterested in me?‚Au‚AuHe asked if he could take another look around the island by himself. He meant without me watching him, of course. Off the record, before he brings in his government friends. I told him it was fine with me, but my army of alligators might get him if he did. And then he said being eaten by alligators would be a small price to pay for another look at you. Not the island, honey. You. ‚Au‚AuDid he really say that?‚Au Polly‚Aos big green eyes were as wide as saucers. Eleanor frowned, her dark eyes serious. ‚AuLots of women would kill to look like you, Polly. You‚Aore the girl next door. Nobody ever tries to screw Miss Goody-two-shoes. ‚Au‚AuThanks a lot. ‚Au‚AuMen look at me and all they think about is sex. They look at you and they think about slaying dragons to keep you safe. ‚Au‚AuLucky me,‚Au Polly wisecracked. ‚AuToo bad there aren‚Aot any dragons around here. ‚Au‚AuNone that would hurt you, anyway. ‚Au Eleanor sighed, and there was sadness in her eyes. ‚AuYou really don‚Aot want to waste your time being jealous of me, honey. I‚Aove got all kinds of grief!‚Au??‚AuI know. And I‚Aom stupid to complain. There‚Aos nothing wrong with being twenty-five and single. ‚Au Polly bounced up from the couch. ‚AuSo do you want me to help you bail Dexter out?‚Au‚AuNo, you‚Aod better not. ‚Au Eleanor stretched on the couch. Then she sighed, and stood up straight and tall, looking slim and graceful even when exhausted. ‚AuThis has been one very long day. Now I have to go and convince the sheriff that Dexter isn‚Aot insane ? and then I‚Aom going to give our lizard-loving little mad scientist a piece of my mind. ‚Au She squeezed Polly‚Aos arm, her expression melancholy. ‚AuThat‚Aos why I don‚Aot want you along, honey. Dexter and I have some things to talk about. It‚Aos not going to be pretty, but I don‚Aot want him to feel even worse than he has to. ‚Au‚AuOh, Eleanor. ‚Au Polly felt tears sting her eyes. It wasn‚Aot so much Dexter getting dumped by Eleanor. It was the idea that her darkly sexy, cynical friend actually felt something for the poor guy. ? ‚AuYou really do care about him, don‚Aot you? God, I was so stupid to think you were only after Greg. There‚Aos so much more to loving someone than just the way he looks!‚Au Polly gave Eleanor an impulsive squeeze. Eleanor returned the hug. ‚AuYou‚Aore all right, honey. The funny thing is, in a way Greg might be good for you. I mean, he‚Aos ruthless, but he‚Aos filthy rich. And totally hot. ‚Au The two of them laughed. At the door Eleanor paused, resting her slender hand on the doorframe. ‚AuEight weeks,‚Au she sighed, gazing out at the dark night and the empty beach. ‚AuHe couldn‚Aot even give us eight weeks. ‚AuPolly knew Eleanor was in trouble, but she didn‚Aot know how to help. Watching her friend drive off into the night, she resolved to have a frank conversation with super-sexy Greg Hatter! *****
A shy schoolteacher. A brooding hunk. Beware the passion that unleashes fathomless terror from the deep! Sweet and loyal Polly is happy to help her best friend Eleanor hold on to her family's private island on the secluded Georgia coast. But sexy, glamorous Eleanor has a secret -- one that could destroy Polly's innocence forever! Gorgeous hotel developer Greg Hatter is determined to claim Eleanor's island -- and clear his long-dead father's name. But when his passion for Polly awakens an ancient horror, Greg is forced to choose between family honor and forbidden love. ?span class='maxbutton-1-container mb-container'>?a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-buy-on-amazon" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="http: //www. amazon. com/gp/product/B00ZMPHM5Y/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8038;camp=1789038;creative=9325038;creativeASIN=B00ZMPHM5Y038;linkCode=as2038;tag=romantspank-20038;linkId=UPIVZLY2PFUAU6J2" data-mbga="{'cat': 'Amazon Buy Now','action': 'click','label': 'www. amazon. com','value': 0,'noninteraction': 'false'}">?span class='mb-text' >Buy on Amazon?/span>?/a>?/span>Lust hit Polly Parker like a tropical heat wave. The vacationing school teacher had just lowered her educational magazine an inch or two to admire the tranquil view of the Atlantic Ocean. Instead, she got a glimpse of sheer male perfection, the kind that made her pulse pound and her palms go slick and hot. Right before her eyes, the ultimate golden hunk emerged from the foaming billows and came striding purposefully across the pure white sands of the remote Georgia beach. ?‚AuHello there,‚Au he said, in a voice as dark and sinfully rich as chocolate cake. His blue eyes zeroed in on Polly with laser precision. ‚AuDo you own this pretty white beach house?‚Au‚AuOh! Own the beach house? Uh. . . no, I don‚Aot. Eleanor ? my friend Eleanor ? she owns it. I‚Aom just down for the summer. ‚Au Polly wondered if she sounded as dumb as she felt. What did the stud, with the mile-wide shoulders and the wash-board stomach, care how long she was here for?‚AuAh, and this must be Eleanor Hiss, the owner of the property. ‚Au His bone-melting gaze shifted, and Polly looked over her shoulder to see her best friend tripping down the front steps. ?‚AuRight, you are, handsome stranger. What can I do for you?‚Au Eleanor held out a slim, manicured hand, as sleek and self-confident as a man-eating serpent. Polly sighed inwardly as the two glamorous looking people shook hands and sized each other up. They were the perfect couple. Eleanor was sexy and sultry, dark and mysterious, the exact opposite of? Polly. The hunk squeezing her hand was a drool-worthy combination of sun-tanned good looks and primitive male allure. ‚AuI‚Aom Greg Hatter, with Hatter Hotels. We‚Aore looking for beachfront opportunities on the Georgia coast, and I was told that you own quite a bit of property around here. ‚Au The man had to be filthy rich. Anyone who was still buying land in this economy was either crazy or loaded. When he smiled, showing off a dimple on his cheek to match the deep cleft in his chin, Polly had a sudden urge to invest every last dime in Hatter Hotels. Either that or have Greg Hatter‚Aos baby. ‚AuDo you always do business in your bathing suit?‚Au Eleanor asked. She gave Greg‚Aos drop-dead body the once-over in a relaxed but openly interested way that made Polly squirm with jealousy. Why couldn‚Aot she be cool, casual and charming around impossibly rich and gorgeous men?‚AuI‚Aom staying with friends over on Little St. Simon‚Aos Island,‚Au Greg explained. ‚AuI know there‚Aos a causeway that connects your island to the mainland, but the weather was perfect, so I jumped in the water instead of walking. I figured a bathing suit was easier to put on than a business suit. ‚Au‚AuAnd it‚Aos easier to take off a bathing suit, too. ‚Au Eleanor let that remark dangle just long enough to hook Greg‚Aos interest. ?‚AuNot when I‚Aom dog-tired after a long swim. ‚Au Greg‚Aos lazy comeback told Polly he wasn‚Aot going to tumble into Eleanor‚Aos arms just yet. He was obviously smart as well as rich and gorgeous. ??‚AuHe‚Aos right, Eleanor,‚Au Polly put in. ‚AuLittle St. Simon‚Aos is miles from here! Greg, would you like to sit down? We have lemonade, sandwiches and brownies. I mean, I just made them; they‚Aore low-fat brownies. I love to bake and I‚Aom really good at it, but I hate my thighs, so I‚Aom trying to lose weight. ‚AuNice going, genius! I hate my thighs? Polly felt humiliated by her runaway tongue, even as Greg‚Aos fabulous laugh washed over. It was warm and rich and it came from deep down in the man‚Aos chest. The flustered little blonde went weak and wobbly at the sound?but she wanted to hear more. ‚AuPolly makes fabulous low-fat brownies, just the thing for a man with an active lifestyle. ‚Au Eleanor‚Aos low, slightly husky voice was calm and reassuring. Even her laugh sounded supportive. She sank down on the blanket the two of them had spread out earlier, looking queenly and sexy but at the same time down-to-earth. She gave Polly a nudge, woman-to-woman, telling her to relax. Polly loved Eleanor. But Greg was just so damned hot. He sat down too, and while Eleanor was opening the picnic basket he turned and spoke to her in a low, thrillingly intimate voice. ‚AuYour eyes,‚Au he said, holding her gaze, ‚Authey match the sea. ‚Au His body was relaxed, but angled forward, and his entire focus was placed on her. ?‚AuThey‚Aore just green. ‚Au Polly bit into a tuna fish sandwich, which tasted like foam rubber. ‚AuI guess you must be a poet, as well as a millionaire, and you must swim an awful lot. ‚Au‚AuNo, I just I like green eyes,‚Au Greg paused, ‚Auand I do swim an awful lot. ‚Au??‚AuPolly‚Aos only bashful until you get to know her,‚Au Eleanor cautioned, nibbling on a slim green celery stalk. ‚AuAfter that, watch out!‚Au Her dark brown eyes twinkled. ‚AuThat‚Aos right. ‚Au Polly giggled. ‚AuThey put me in charge of the toughest third graders. ‚Au‚AuYou‚Aore a teacher? That‚Aos great!‚Au Greg began asking all about the Honeywell Grade School. Before long, she was talking away, amazed that a man this spectacular-looking was interested in? her. Polly knew she was reasonably attractive. She had golden hair, green eyes, and her rounded figure might have been sexy if her thighs weren‚Aot so chunky, but somehow she never felt sexy deep inside. Men didn‚Aot fall for the wholesome type who made brownies. They fell for the dark, sexy type who flirted and teased. They fell for Eleanor. ‚AuAnd when the eggs hatched, we had a party to welcome the new babies into the world!‚Au‚AuI wish I‚Aod been there,‚Au Greg teased. ‚AuI like chicks. ‚Au‚AuOh, please!‚Au Polly pouted. ‚AuSmart chicks don‚Aot fall for a line and a handful of birdseed. ‚Au‚AuAre we still talking about chickens?‚Au Greg asked innocently. ‚AuNo, we‚Aore not. ‚Au?‚AuThat‚Aos good,‚Au Greg said. ‚AuBecause that can only mean we‚Aore talking about you. ‚Au‚AuFascinating subject,‚Au Eleanor put in, just to remind them she was there. ‚AuI‚Aom not nearly as fascinating as Eleanor‚Aos island,‚Au Polly said quickly. ‚AuThis is the only island in Georgia to have been claimed by the Spanish, the French, the English?and the Americans. ‚Au?‚AuNot to mention the Indians,‚Au Eleanor put in slyly, ‚Auand a few very lucky runaway slaves. ‚Au‚AuIt‚Aos a beautiful location,‚Au Greg agreed. ‚AuPristine beaches, lots of wetlands, and a sheltered crossing to the mainland. But it sounds like none of the people who claimed this island ever stuck around for very long. Is there something I should know?‚Au‚AuAh, the shrewd businessman,‚Au Eleanor teased. ‚AuLooking to knock down the price before the negotiation even begins. ‚Au‚AuWell, it‚Aos not like this place is cursed or anything,‚Au Polly said quickly. ‚AuI mean, the Spanish called it the Serpent Isle, and the French called it the Island of Danger, but that‚Aos probably just because of all the snakes and alligators. Of course, there‚Aos still a few of them around today, but they never attack anyone. Well, almost never. You can co-exist with them if you‚Aore careful!‚AuGreg laughed. ‚AuSomething tells me you‚Aore a better teacher than a used-car salesman. ‚Au‚AuI was just being honest,‚Au Polly replied, halfway between flattered and sulky. She gave Greg a look, letting him know she wasn‚Aot backing down an inch. ‚AuYou look like a fairly intelligent man, Mr. Hatter, so there‚Aos no reason to lie to you. I mean, we can hardly run around in the night and scoop up all the snakes and alligators so you won‚Aot notice them during the day!‚Au????‚AuI would have thought you could communicate with the alligators,‚Au Greg teased. ‚AuThe way you do with your third-graders. ‚Au‚AuYou can‚Aot change a predator,‚Au Polly said, letting her eyes linger on Greg‚Aos sexy body. ‚AuSometimes it‚Aos fun to try, though. ‚Au His eyes met hers, a hypnotic shimmering blue. ‚AuSure, and then all you end up with is babies, I mean alligator babies. Or eggs. ‚AuPolly was really enjoying herself. But just then Eleanor pointed down the beach. ‚AuSpeaking of eggs, there‚Aos a cracked specimen. ‚Au‚AuOh, don‚Aot say that. Dexter is just crazy about you, Eleanor. ‚Au Polly felt sorry for the tall, skinny young man staggering towards them, weighed down by cameras and scientific equipment. ‚AuHoney, the only thing he‚Aos crazy about around here is breeding patterns and alligator eggs,‚Au Eleanor said, her crooked, cynical smile only making her look even more sophisticated and sexy. ?‚AuSo there are gators around here. ‚Au Greg leaned back casually on the sand, but his blue eyes gleamed shrewdly. ‚AuThat‚Aos a real problem when you‚Aore trying to develop. Those environmental people will do just about anything to protect the gators. ‚AuEleanor rolled her dark eyes in mock exasperation. ‚AuYes, I know that. Thanks to Dexter. ‚Au‚AuThanks for what?‚Au Huffing and puffing, Dexter collapsed and sprawled on the blanket, taking up plenty of room. His elbows and knees and his great big feet stuck out every which way, throwing sand everywhere. He seemed oblivious to the havoc he was causing, but he gaped at Eleanor with total slack-jawed adoration. Not that he had the slightest chance with her, Polly thought. He looked like a scarecrow in his badly-fitting white shirt and rumpled khaki pants. ‚AuThank you for not getting sand in my sandwich, dear,‚Au Eleanor said sweetly. ‚AuI‚Aom s-sorry, Eleanor,‚Au Dexter stammered. He missed her sarcasm, but not her killer smile. That clearly got him right through the heart. ‚AuI forgot all about the pic?the pic?about the picnic. ‚Au‚AuAnd thank you for interrupting your important scientific work,‚Au Polly added quickly. She really felt for poor Dexter. She could relate to how clueless he was about making a good impression. ‚AuSo you‚Aore a scientist?‚Au Greg asked, holding out his powerful, but perfectly manicured hand. ‚AuGreg Hatter, Hatter Hotels. What are you, federal, EPA?‚Au‚AuI‚Aom not with anyone. I‚Aom a graduate student,‚Au Dexter was a lot better with other men than with beautiful women. He shook Greg‚Aos hand and introduced himself without stammering. ‚AuThat means he‚Aos hungry,‚Au Eleanor joked. ‚AuHave something to eat, Dexter. But please, don‚Aot tell our new friend Greg how the whole island is crawling with alligators. It‚Aoll kill the sales price!‚Au‚AuBut it‚Aos not crawling with alligators!‚Au Dexter exclaimed. He pushed an unruly shock of badly-cut black hair away from his high white forehead. ‚AuI just can‚Aot figure it out. Conditions in the swamps are perfect for breeding, but I haven‚Aot been able to find a single nest. It‚Aos like something is scaring them off! It must be bacteria, or a new worm-like parasite. If only I could discover. . . ‚Au‚AuOh, dear, what will we do without our alligators?‚Au Eleanor laughed, and rose gracefully to her feet. ‚AuKids, if you don‚Aot mind, I think I‚Aoll take advantage of this stunning, beautiful day to show Mr. Hatter here some of the less deadly parts of our island. You‚Aoll find it interesting, I promise!‚Au‚AuI‚Aod like that,‚Au Greg said seriously. He got up as well, but not before giving Polly a glance. ‚AuSure you wouldn‚Aot like to come along?‚AuPolly waved him off. ‚AuThis is Eleanor‚Aos island. She‚Aos got tons of offers, so be nice to her! Besides, I‚Aod come along, but then poor Dexter would be all alone. ‚AuGreg nodded. ‚AuYou‚Aore okay, for a smart chick. ‚Au‚AuWhat does that mean?‚Au Dexter asked, after Greg and Eleanor had vanished into the fragrant, flower-filled forest that covered much of Eleanor‚Aos small island. ‚AuOh, nothing. ‚Au Polly reckoned dark, seductive Eleanor would soon make Greg forget all about her. Yet for one brief moment she had felt genuinely attractive. That was enough for one day, she thought wistfully. ‚AuEat your sandwich, Dexter dear. ‚Au****Polly was worried. Eleanor had gone into Brunswick early in the morning, to do some shopping and to meet Greg Hatter. It was dark now, past nine o‚Aoclock, and no sign of her friend. Every time Polly tried her cell she got voice mail. Was she still with Greg? Ever since he first popped up three days ago, emerging from the waves like some golden god out of Greek mythology, Polly had secretly fantasized that hot gorgeous Greg would come back to the island looking for her. But it was clear now that he was only interested in Eleanor, and her island. Right now the two of them were probably in a cozy motel room, having earth-shaking sex to celebrate closing the sale. Polly hated Eleanor for snagging him so easily, even though she‚Aod willingly given Polly first crack. She felt like walking out, packing up to go home. Instead, she continued to pace back and forth in Eleanor‚Aos tiny living room, her turbulent feelings an uncomfortable mix of jealousy and concern. ??Just then the telephone rang. Polly snatched it off the hook on the first ring. ‚AuEleanor? Hello?‚Au There was deep male breathing on the other end, hoarse panting, like someone was totally exhausted after running for miles or having fabulous sex. ‚AuGreg? Is that you?‚Au‚AuPolly? It‚Aos me, Dexter. Can I speak to Eleanor, please? I‚Aom really in a jam!‚AuPolly stifled her disappointment. ‚AuI don‚Aot know where Eleanor is, Dexter,‚Au she said patiently. ‚AuShe went to Brunswick early in the morning. Have you seen her in town today?‚Au‚AuI haven‚Aot been in town,‚Au Dexter panted. ‚AuI got picked up by some Georgia Wildlife agents. They claimed I was in a protected area. I guess I crossed onto state land by mistake. But someone must have tipped them off! Eleanor gave me permission to explore her private island all I wanted. I know this is some kind of government conspiracy! I‚Aove just made the most incredible discovery. . . ‚Au All of a sudden Polly heard shouts and rude laughter at the other end of the line. ?‚AuI am not going out of my mind!‚Au Dexter shouted. ‚AuThe evidence is clear. A competing predator has driven the alligator population away, and it has to be a competitor that lives elsewhere and only visits the breeding grounds for periodical use. They come ashore to breed, like the giant green sea turtle! They‚Aove been nesting on the same mid-Atlantic island for over forty million years!‚AuPolly bit her full lower lip, trying hard not to laugh. ‚AuDexter, are you in jail?‚Au‚AuI‚Aom at the sheriff‚Aos office,‚Au Dexter replied sheepishly. ‚AuIt‚Aos out on the old beach road. When Eleanor gets in, could you ask her to come down here? The sheriff says he‚Aoll let me go if she does. ‚Au‚AuOh, poor Dexter! Of course I will. Do you need us to bring you anything?‚Au Polly was thinking in terms of bail money or extra identification for the sheriff. ‚AuYes, could you ask her to bring the dinosaur field guide I left on the back porch? I have a bet here with a biker named Lamar about ancient sea reptiles protecting their young. It‚Aos on page 177!‚Au There was more background noise, with Dexter shouting at someone else in the holding cell. ‚AuOh, dear. Please be careful until we get there, Dexter!‚Au As Polly put down the phone, she found herself smiling for the first time all day. Dexter Nye might not be every woman‚Aos dream, but he was fearless and passionate about the things he believed in. Maybe that was why Eleanor put up with him. The sultry temptress and the goofy scientist were an unlikely pair, but no more so than a shy schoolteacher and a young hotel magnate with pots of money and the body of a Greek god. Polly found the field guide without any trouble. But when she flopped down on the sofa and opened the book a scrap of faded paper fell into her lap. The yellowish paper had a small set of numbers written on it ? and the handwriting wasn‚Aot Dexter‚Aos. 1833, 1877, 1921, 1965 . . . there was clearly a progression, a pattern of some sort. Polly looked at the book, which had fallen open to a picture of a ghastly looking sea creature squatting over a clutch of eggs on an ancient beach. This was clearly the page Dexter had just mentioned over the phone. But what did dinosaur eggs have to do with a handful of modern dates written in Eleanor‚Aos handwriting?‚AuPolly honey, I am going to kill that man!‚Au The front door flew open with a loud bang. Eleanor Hiss swept into the cozy little parlor like an invigorating gust of salty sea air. ‚AuEleanor! I‚Aove been worried sick about you. What man are you talking about?‚Au Polly stuffed the dinosaur book under the couch cushions, instantly forgetting all about nesting sea creatures. ‚AuGreg Hatter. That blonde, lying billionaire had this all planned. He screwed me!‚Au Eleanor was looking stunning and sexy as always in a wine-dark red designer dress and black stiletto heels. Yet as she threw herself down on the sofa, Polly saw that she was tired and unusually agitated. As a rule Eleanor exuded confidence, a sultry calm she carried as easily as she wore her musky perfume. ??‚AuGreg Hatter screwed you? What do you mean?‚Au Polly hated the way her own heart started beating a little faster, just from picturing the golden hunk in her mind‚Aos eye. If Greg had screwed Eleanor ? if he had done anything at all to hurt her best friend, she would never forgive him. ‚AuHe decided he didn‚Aot want to wait six or eight weeks before I sold him the island. He decided he‚Aod put a little pressure on, so I‚Aod have to give it to him right away, instead of taking bids from other developers. ‚Au Eleanor fell back on the cushions next to Polly, rubbing her temples. ‚AuWhat kind of pressure?‚AuEleanor kicked off her high heels, and crossed her long, elegant legs at the ankle. She put her hands behind her head and glared at a pretty watercolor painting on the other side of the room. ‚AuIt seems that the sexy Mr. Hatter has high-placed friends in the Georgia state government. He called up the DNR ? that‚Aos the Department of Natural Resources ? and started asking them questions about our local alligator population, why it‚Aos disappeared and why I have some insane science geek wandering around the swamps, trampling the nests and possibly destroying all the alligator eggs. ‚Au‚AuThat means Dexter!‚Au Polly cried. ‚AuBut he could never ? Dexter isn‚Aot the type ? why would Greg even say such horrible things?‚Au All at once she remembered Dexter‚Aos frantic phone call. Polly quickly filled Eleanor in on the arrest. ‚AuIt all makes sense,‚Au Eleanor said wearily, when Polly was finished bringing her up to date. ‚AuBailing out Dexter will just make it more obvious to the locals that there‚Aos something going on between me and him. And then when the DNR people come out here to investigate, they‚Aoll take weeks and weeks, I‚Aoll get reprimanded and fined, and probably have my land taken by the state. Then I‚Aoll have nothing but my trust fund to fall back on!‚Au‚AuAnd your brains, your amazing self-confidence and your incredible looks. ‚Au Polly didn‚Aot often try to boost Eleanor‚Aos ego, but tonight her poised and glamorous friend really seemed down. ‚AuBut I still don‚Aot understand. What does Greg get out of all this? He seemed like such a nice guy. ‚Au?‚AuHe wants to beat the other hotel chains. He offered me ten million dollars this afternoon. ‚AuPolly whistled. ‚AuThat‚Aos more than three times what you said the island was worth,‚Au she said. ‚AuWhy not sell to Greg and get it over with? I guess his friends will make it tough for you otherwise. ‚AuEleanor looked at Polly for the first time. ‚AuThis place goes back a very long way in my family. I don‚Aot like having strangers nosing around. And I don‚Aot like being pushed around, either. Would you give in to a man like Greg just because he looks good in a bathing suit?‚Au‚AuNo, of course not!‚Au Polly pictured herself drooling over Greg‚Aos body-builder physique when they first met on the beach. A blush crept up her cheeks. ‚AuStill, you have to be fair, Eleanor. You were the one who told him how good he looked in a swimsuit. ‚Au‚AuI did not,‚Au Eleanor said primly. ‚AuI merely pointed out that a skimpy little swim suit like his could come off in a hurry. If a man owned this island, do you think golden boy would have come over to talk business wearing a tight red banana hammock? Greg Hatter clearly thinks he‚Aos God‚Aos gift to women. I don‚Aot like it when men use their private assets to get ahead in business. ‚Au‚AuI see. ‚Au Polly frowned thoughtfully, remembering her own reaction to Greg‚Aos body. Eleanor was sexy, but she didn‚Aot seem to crave sex. Not like Dexter craved her. Eleanor eyed her shrewdly. ‚AuI certainly wouldn‚Aot kick Greg Hatter out of bed, but that‚Aos very different from being ready to sell my birthright to him in return for sex. Not that he made the offer. Frankly, I got the impression that he was a lot more interested in you. ‚Au‚AuInterested in me?‚Au‚AuHe asked if he could take another look around the island by himself. He meant without me watching him, of course. Off the record, before he brings in his government friends. I told him it was fine with me, but my army of alligators might get him if he did. And then he said being eaten by alligators would be a small price to pay for another look at you. Not the island, honey. You. ‚Au‚AuDid he really say that?‚Au Polly‚Aos big green eyes were as wide as saucers. Eleanor frowned, her dark eyes serious. ‚AuLots of women would kill to look like you, Polly. You‚Aore the girl next door. Nobody ever tries to screw Miss Goody-two-shoes. ‚Au‚AuThanks a lot. ‚Au‚AuMen look at me and all they think about is sex. They look at you and they think about slaying dragons to keep you safe. ‚Au‚AuLucky me,‚Au Polly wisecracked. ‚AuToo bad there aren‚Aot any dragons around here. ‚Au‚AuNone that would hurt you, anyway. ‚Au Eleanor sighed, and there was sadness in her eyes. ‚AuYou really don‚Aot want to waste your time being jealous of me, honey. I‚Aove got all kinds of grief!‚Au??‚AuI know. And I‚Aom stupid to complain. There‚Aos nothing wrong with being twenty-five and single. ‚Au Polly bounced up from the couch. ‚AuSo do you want me to help you bail Dexter out?‚Au‚AuNo, you‚Aod better not. ‚Au Eleanor stretched on the couch. Then she sighed, and stood up straight and tall, looking slim and graceful even when exhausted. ‚AuThis has been one very long day. Now I have to go and convince the sheriff that Dexter isn‚Aot insane ? and then I‚Aom going to give our lizard-loving little mad scientist a piece of my mind. ‚Au She squeezed Polly‚Aos arm, her expression melancholy. ‚AuThat‚Aos why I don‚Aot want you along, honey. Dexter and I have some things to talk about. It‚Aos not going to be pretty, but I don‚Aot want him to feel even worse than he has to. ‚Au‚AuOh, Eleanor. ‚Au Polly felt tears sting her eyes. It wasn‚Aot so much Dexter getting dumped by Eleanor. It was the idea that her darkly sexy, cynical friend actually felt something for the poor guy. ? ‚AuYou really do care about him, don‚Aot you? God, I was so stupid to think you were only after Greg. There‚Aos so much more to loving someone than just the way he looks!‚Au Polly gave Eleanor an impulsive squeeze. Eleanor returned the hug. ‚AuYou‚Aore all right, honey. The funny thing is, in a way Greg might be good for you. I mean, he‚Aos ruthless, but he‚Aos filthy rich. And totally hot. ‚Au The two of them laughed. At the door Eleanor paused, resting her slender hand on the doorframe. ‚AuEight weeks,‚Au she sighed, gazing out at the dark night and the empty beach. ‚AuHe couldn‚Aot even give us eight weeks. ‚AuPolly knew Eleanor was in trouble, but she didn‚Aot know how to help. Watching her friend drive off into the night, she resolved to have a frank conversation with super-sexy Greg Hatter! *****