The Naughty List

Grab this amazing holiday collection of four novellas from some of old-fashioned romance's favorite authors. Everything Christmas by Maddie Taylor Sparks fly when these sexy neighbors meet. She is sweet and very interested. He is jaded having been burned by love. He also has very specific ideas for what he wants in a relationship but is he willing to risk his heart again? There is something special about his new neighbor. Could it be that the woman he has been pushing away is exactly what he has been searching for? This collection will be available for a limited time only. Saved by Renee Rose Jack could not sink lower than working as a rent-a-cop at the department store, but with the injury to his leg during his tour to Iraq, his preferred careers are closed to him. The only bright spot of the job is watching Melinda, the vivacious brunette behind the cosmetics counter. When she takes off after a shoplifter, needlessly endangering herself, he threatens a spanking and to his surprise, finds she is amenable to his punishment. Enamored with the dominant but wounded warrior who comes to her rescue, Melinda lets Jack take her in hand, but finds herself repeatedly shut out emotionally. Not understanding it results from self-loathing over his injury rather than a lack of interest, she writes him off. But when real danger threatens, Jack steps in again. Can he reveal his true feelings this time? And if so, will her submission to his discipline help him feel like a man again? Christmas Joy by Patty Devlin Joy hitches a ride headed to the Double R ranch, looking for a job. She is desperate to find a place to stay before the snow flies, however, she isn’t prepared for feelings the ranch's owner, large, sexy and entirely dominant Nick stirs up deep inside her.  Living on the road has been hard;  with her past she should stay and beg for the job. But running is easier than dealing with her fears and these new feelings, isn’t it?  So she runs - again. Nick is used to being in charge, he knows just what Joy needs, and he's more than willing to put her over his knee and give it to her.  But he's also used to people leaving.  Can he find her, convince her to trust him, and bring her back? Will Nick be able to bring Joy into his home, his heart, and keep her there—for good, not just for Christmas? A Father for Christmas  by Dinah McLeod Clara Jones is a busy social worker that's a bit of a Grinch when it comes to Christmas. As a single mother who sees more than her fair share of trouble day in and day out, she's looking for an escape, even if she doesn't
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Grab this amazing holiday collection of four novellas from some of old-fashioned romance's favorite authors. Everything Christmas by Maddie Taylor Sparks fly when these sexy neighbors meet. She is sweet and very interested. He is jaded having been burned by love. He also has very specific ideas for what he wants in a relationship but is he willing to risk his heart again? There is something special about his new neighbor. Could it be that the woman he has been pushing away is exactly what he has been searching for? This collection will be available for a limited time only. Saved by Renee Rose Jack could not sink lower than working as a rent-a-cop at the department store, but with the injury to his leg during his tour to Iraq, his preferred careers are closed to him. The only bright spot of the job is watching Melinda, the vivacious brunette behind the cosmetics counter. When she takes off after a shoplifter, needlessly endangering herself, he threatens a spanking and to his surprise, finds she is amenable to his punishment. Enamored with the dominant but wounded warrior who comes to her rescue, Melinda lets Jack take her in hand, but finds herself repeatedly shut out emotionally. Not understanding it results from self-loathing over his injury rather than a lack of interest, she writes him off. But when real danger threatens, Jack steps in again. Can he reveal his true feelings this time? And if so, will her submission to his discipline help him feel like a man again? Christmas Joy by Patty Devlin Joy hitches a ride headed to the Double R ranch, looking for a job. She is desperate to find a place to stay before the snow flies, however, she isn’t prepared for feelings the ranch's owner, large, sexy and entirely dominant Nick stirs up deep inside her.  Living on the road has been hard;  with her past she should stay and beg for the job. But running is easier than dealing with her fears and these new feelings, isn’t it?  So she runs - again. Nick is used to being in charge, he knows just what Joy needs, and he's more than willing to put her over his knee and give it to her.  But he's also used to people leaving.  Can he find her, convince her to trust him, and bring her back? Will Nick be able to bring Joy into his home, his heart, and keep her there—for good, not just for Christmas? A Father for Christmas  by Dinah McLeod Clara Jones is a busy social worker that's a bit of a Grinch when it comes to Christmas. As a single mother who sees more than her fair share of trouble day in and day out, she's looking for an escape, even if she doesn't
Grab this amazing holiday collection of four novellas from some of old-fashioned romance's favorite authors. Everything Christmas by Maddie Taylor Sparks fly when these sexy neighbors meet. She is sweet and very interested. He is jaded having been burned by love. He also has very specific ideas for what he wants in a relationship but is he willing to risk his heart again? There is something special about his new neighbor. Could it be that the woman he has been pushing away is exactly what he has been searching for? This collection will be available for a limited time only. Saved by Renee Rose Jack could not sink lower than working as a rent-a-cop at the department store, but with the injury to his leg during his tour to Iraq, his preferred careers are closed to him. The only bright spot of the job is watching Melinda, the vivacious brunette behind the cosmetics counter. When she takes off after a shoplifter, needlessly endangering herself, he threatens a spanking and to his surprise, finds she is amenable to his punishment. Enamored with the dominant but wounded warrior who comes to her rescue, Melinda lets Jack take her in hand, but finds herself repeatedly shut out emotionally. Not understanding it results from self-loathing over his injury rather than a lack of interest, she writes him off. But when real danger threatens, Jack steps in again. Can he reveal his true feelings this time? And if so, will her submission to his discipline help him feel like a man again? Christmas Joy by Patty Devlin Joy hitches a ride headed to the Double R ranch, looking for a job. She is desperate to find a place to stay before the snow flies, however, she isn’t prepared for feelings the ranch's owner, large, sexy and entirely dominant Nick stirs up deep inside her.  Living on the road has been hard;  with her past she should stay and beg for the job. But running is easier than dealing with her fears and these new feelings, isn’t it?  So she runs - again. Nick is used to being in charge, he knows just what Joy needs, and he's more than willing to put her over his knee and give it to her.  But he's also used to people leaving.  Can he find her, convince her to trust him, and bring her back? Will Nick be able to bring Joy into his home, his heart, and keep her there—for good, not just for Christmas? A Father for Christmas  by Dinah McLeod Clara Jones is a busy social worker that's a bit of a Grinch when it comes to Christmas. As a single mother who sees more than her fair share of trouble day in and day out, she's looking for an escape, even if she doesn't