With One Hand Behind My Back

Irene is determined to follow her Marine, Drew – the love of her life – everywhere. He leads, she follows, from duty station to duty station, from base to base. Drew has always insisted on her complete obedience and submission to him. But when he is wounded, everything changes. Thinking that she must now take care of everything on her own, Irene may lose the man she has loved since she was seventeen. Can she submit to a man whose body is broken? Is he still the man she fell in love with all those years ago? Publisher's Note: This book contains graphic adult and disciplinary scenes. If this offends you, please do not read it. It’s an expanded version of a story which was previously featured in the USA Today bestselling Hero To Obey box set, which is no longer available. Buy on Amazon
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Irene is determined to follow her Marine, Drew – the love of her life – everywhere. He leads, she follows, from duty station to duty station, from base to base. Drew has always insisted on her complete obedience and submission to him. But when he is wounded, everything changes. Thinking that she must now take care of everything on her own, Irene may lose the man she has loved since she was seventeen. Can she submit to a man whose body is broken? Is he still the man she fell in love with all those years ago? Publisher's Note: This book contains graphic adult and disciplinary scenes. If this offends you, please do not read it. It’s an expanded version of a story which was previously featured in the USA Today bestselling Hero To Obey box set, which is no longer available. Buy on Amazon
Irene is determined to follow her Marine, Drew – the love of her life – everywhere. He leads, she follows, from duty station to duty station, from base to base. Drew has always insisted on her complete obedience and submission to him. But when he is wounded, everything changes. Thinking that she must now take care of everything on her own, Irene may lose the man she has loved since she was seventeen. Can she submit to a man whose body is broken? Is he still the man she fell in love with all those years ago? Publisher's Note: This book contains graphic adult and disciplinary scenes. If this offends you, please do not read it. It’s an expanded version of a story which was previously featured in the USA Today bestselling Hero To Obey box set, which is no longer available. Buy on Amazon
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